Does your high blood pressure medication make you feel lousy? A lot of people have difficulty coping with the uncomfortable side effects that accompany these drugs. These side effects include erectile dysfunction, tiredness, sleeplessness, mood swings, constipation, cramps, and more. But many thousands of people worldwide have been able to bring down their blood pressure without any of these problems. They did it with a natural remedy for high blood pressure.
A natural remedy for high blood pressure is full of herbs that can affect the body in powerful ways. These herbs can improve blood circulation, lower tension, and fortify the heart’s capacity to deliver blood throughout the body.
People who take hawthorne berry, for example, are able to exercise without their blood pressure and heart rate going up. And dandelion is a diuretic that removes one of the leading causes of high blood pressure–too much salt in the kidneys. Meanwhile, garlic is famous for reducing the risk of heart disease.
You might question whether herbs can really affect the body effectively. But you should remember that hundreds of pharmaceutical drugs were created using chemical compounds found in plants. Over 60% of all cancer drugs, for example,?are derived from plants. Even the Wall Street Journal has acknowledged the growing acceptance of alternative medicines. They write that many herbal remedies “are now scientifically documented to be not only medically effective but also cost effective.”
But it’s essential to use the right kind of herbal cure. There are too many products that contain second-rate herbs. And the doses are too low. Luckily, there are herbal supplements that contain potent doses of pure, first-rate herbal ingredients. It can take a little time for the herbs to build up in your body, but you’ll eventually start to get your blood pressure under control. The best part is–no side effects!
More and more people of getting sick and tired of being cranked up on man-made drugs. That’s why so many have turned to natural cures. Today, more than one-third of all Americans use alternative remedies to treat their illnesses. If you want to lower your blood pressure, but don’t want to feel the ill effects of prescription drugs, a natural remedy for high blood pressure remedy might be the answer.
By: Robert M Henderson