Weight Loss for Hypertension

Have you ever heard the old saying, “You are what you eat”? It’s true when you are talking about high blood pressure. There really IS a diet that will almost certainly guarantee that you will develop high blood pressure.

If your diet is:

1. Too high in calories

2. Too high in fat

3. Contains far too much salt

That is the diet that will cause you to develop hypertension because it will add pounds that you don’t need. Now, nobody can say definitively that obesity CAUSES hypertension, but the scientific community can certainly all agree that obesity contributes to this problem.

It is a known and accepted fact that gaining weight raises blood pressure and losing weight lowers it. Blood pressure will fall by about 1 mmHg for every 2.2 pounds of weight lost. This decrease due to weight loss has an effect that is consistent for both men and women and for people of different ethnicities. Losing weight provides benefits other than lowering blood pressure. Losing weight will reduce cholesterol levels, at least partially reduce enlargement of the heart, reduce the risk of developing type II diabetes, and improve self-image and the quality of life.

There are several things that will facilitate weight loss:

1. Reduction of calories consumed

2. Reduction of fat consumed

3. Reduction of salt consumed

4. Increased exercise

There are hundreds, maybe thousands, of weight loss programs available for those who have a sincere desire to lose weight. There are those that are rather expensive, of course, but some are free or nearly so. Your doctor can give you a reduced calorie, fat, and salt diet that will work, and it doesn’t cost anything to walk around the block for some added exercise.

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Hypertension [http://myhypertension.info] an High Blood Pressure [http://myhypertension.info] and has helped thousands of high blood pressure sufferers lower their score in weeks. For more articles and resources on hypertensions symptoms, cures and natural medications visit his site at: [http://myhypertension.info]

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