The subject of vitamins for hair loss is a contentious topic with many detractors. A recent article circulation on the internet made a very convincing argument stating that anyone who believed vitamins were helpful for hair loss was an idiot. Most other articles and information on the subject attempt to make a case that vitamin supplementation is totally useless in re-growing hair. From a very narrow perspective the research supports them and if you are bald chances are taking a multivitamin is not going to cause your long lost hair follicles to spring back to life. Nevertheless, from a broader perspective it is not out of the question that taking certain vitamins for hair loss will not only make your hair healthier in appearance but could benefit growth. Let’s look at a couple of examples.
As far?as balding caused by toxicity (chemotherapy drugs, blood pressure medications, etc) one could make a compelling case that nutrition which reduces toxicity could in fact speed up the hair replacement process. Vitamin B12, B6, and folic acid are examples of this. These vitamins are referred to as lipotropic agents who facilitate the flow of fat and bile to and from the liver. In effect, they produce a decongesting effect on the liver and promote improved liver function and fat metabolism. Put simply by speeding up the removal of balding toxins a person will create a hair regrowth environment conducive to new and potentially faster hair growth.?
Stress is a major cause of balding listed under the banner of toxic alopecia and stress management techniques plus vitamins supplementation could prove helpful. Vitamin B6, vitamin B5, vitamin C, zinc, and magnesium play a critical role in the health of the adrenal gland as well as the manufacture of adrenal hormones. Research indicates that the levels of these nutrients in the adrenals plummet during times of stress.
Rapid weight loss or malnutrition will cause hair to come out in clumps and most would not argue that vitamin supplementation would be very important in reversing the balding and restoring hair health.
Narrowing our focus??
Vitamins for hair loss are much like the supporting cast of a Broadway play; it would be difficult to put on the production without them but their roles are limited. This has never been more the cases than with a condition known as androgenetic alopecia. Androgenetic alopecia is responsible for the majority of balding cases and is a stubborn genetically driven progressive condition lead by the androgen hormone DHT. Androgenetic alopecia actually damages the follicles and shortens the hair replacement cycle making it very difficult to reverse.?
To stop or slow this condition either the production of DHT must be slowed or hair follicles have to be shielded from it wrath. The role of vitamins in managing DHT is one more of creating a fertile environment for healthy hair regrowth rather than stopping androgenetic alopecia.?
What Next?
Sadly, if your hair loss is a product of androgenetic alopecia and is extensive your options will be limited to hair transplant surgery, wigs, or toupees.?On the other hand if you have moderate to mild hair loss or your condition is unrelated to androgenetic alopecia there are some excellent hair regrowth products currently available. Most of these hair regrowth supplements combine natural DHT blocking ingredients with a topical hair re-growth formula of some kind. If you have been searching for a way to reverse the balding process this is an affordable option worth considering.
R.D. Hawkins is an enthusiastic advocate of alternative natural health products and supplements with over 10 years experience. To learn more about natural remedies for better health visit Purchase