Tai Chi Therapy for Hypertension

According to New Medicine.com, “Tai Chi is a Chinese system of physical exercises that is believed to facilitate the flow of Qi (life force) in the body, promoting good health and vitality. Tai Chi utilizes movements that are Yin Yang opposites: softness and strength, forward and backwards, action and calm.”

Back in 2003, in the October issue of the Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine, it was reported in a study that Tai Chi “could decrease blood pressure and results in favorable lipid profile changes and improve subjects’ anxiety status.” Tai Chi is simple and completely natural and nonintrusive. The only side effects are good ones, like a stronger immune system and healthier respiratory system. So why isn’t it prescribed more often as a treatment for high blood pressure?

At the risk of sounding cynical, I would say that the reason that it isn’t prescribed for the treatment of it more often is…well…money. There isn’t a pill. The drug companies, and the medical profession in general, simply will not make a profit when a physician prescribes Tai Chi.

Fortunately for those of us who suffer from high blood pressure, we don’t need a prescription to use it. Classes are offered at many different places and they are very, very inexpensive… sometimes they are even free. If there are no classes being offered near where you live, you can order CDs and DVDs that will provide instruction, and you can practice it in the comfort of your own home.

Just imagine! You can lower your blood pressure by simply participating in Tai Chi. There are no pills to swallow. There are no painful injections. The only side effects are good ones! What more could one ask for?

Milos Pesic is an expert in the field of Hypertension [http://myhypertension.info] and High Blood Pressure [http://myhypertension.info] and has helped thousands of high blood pressure sufferers lower their score in weeks. For more articles and resources on hypertensions symptoms, cures and natural medications visit his site at: [http://myhypertension.info]

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