The 3 Keys to Lowering Your High Blood Pressure Without the use of Prescription Medication

As you already know, when you visit your doctor and discover that your blood pressure is high, they will prescribe medication to you, and tell you to lower your salt intake. Most people are aware that blood pressure medications have side effects, but they do not know alternative ways of controlling high blood pressure. Being […]

Negativity in the Office is Today’s Version of Hawthorne’s "Scarlet Letter"

How do you look at life? How you do determine the biases of what you think and feel as well as how you act. Some people tend to look negatively at life and conjure up worst-case scenarios for the consequences of nearly every situation. They see bad events all around them. Pessimism pervades their very […]

How to Lower Your Blood Pressure With a Towel – Clinically Proven Method

You’ve seen those “stress balls” – the ones that stockbrokers always seem to have on their desks? Interestingly, there are actually a number of clinical studies that show that those squishy “stress balls” aren’t just good for stress – they can also help you permanently lower your blood pressure. It’s a type of exercise known […]

Natural Substitutes For Beta Blockers

Beta-Adrenergic Blockers are medicines that are used for patients with high blood pressure. But like any other medicine even these have various adverse effects and that is why people as well the doctors and scientists are now looking for natural replacements and substitutes of these beta blockers. For instance, people who have asthma are not […]

Blood Pressure – What is Happening to My Body to Cause the Systolic & Diastolic Pressures to Change?

Getting our blood pressure helps a lot in keeping ahead of the functions of our heart. Did you know that hypertension characterized by a high pressure of blood is usually undetected and the reason why many people do not know they have heart problems until it is too late to reverse the damages? This is […]

Magnesium and High Blood Pressure – A Real Issue!

The words of Linus Pauling enforces the seriousness of this article on Magnesium and high blood pressure. Twice a Nobel Prize winner, he once said, “You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.” How often have you read that statement? 10 times, 50 times, 100 times? But who’s taking […]

Natural Cures For Hypertension – Using the Natural Power of Herbs to Lower Blood Pressure

There are medicinal herbs too that can lower blood pressure. These herbs are wonderful alternative cures for hypertension, because they have immediate and significant effects to your body. Some of them tone your arterial walls, making them strong and supple. Other herbs work on your kidneys by enhancing their salt and water shedding abilities. Still, […]