Home Remedies For Yeast Infections – Vitamins

Most people don’t think vitamins when they think home remedies for yeast infections. But, if you are dealing with a reoccurring yeast infection or a sever yeast infection then vitamins can aid you in overcoming the infection and preventing it from coming back. A medical dictionary defines vitamins as “organic compounds or chemicals, found in […]

The Importance of Vitamins And Their Roles In Our Body

Vitamins are compounds found in certain food which are vital to our health and longevity. Our body needs them for growth, function, energy, tissue repair and waste removal. There are two categories of vitamins: water-soluble and fat-soluble vitamins. Water-soluble vitamins, such as vitamins B and C, need to be included in our daily diet as […]

Vitamins and Minerals Are the Mantras of a Healthy Body

This is where mantra enters the story. Mantras are sound vibrations that repeated daily create a frequency, wavelength, light vibrations through sound production in the human brain. Either repeating silently to yourself and or chanting the mantra stimulates self healing at the level of the finest tissues in the brain and throughout the electricity of […]

B Vitamins Play an Essential Role in Metabolism

B vitamins were once thought of as a single vitamin called Vitamin B.?After much research, we discovered there are actually 8 distinct vitamins.?Further research has also concluded that B vitamins are water soluble, which means that they are easily excreted out of the body and therefore must be consistently consumed through?our diet.?B Vitamins have often […]

Vitamins and Minerals and Their Roles

Usually, vitamins and minerals are obtained through food consumption but there are other ways like taking multivitamin supplements. Listed below are the most common classifications of vitamins and minerals and their roles and the foods that are rich with these elements. Vitamins There are two types of vitamins. These are the water-soluble and the fat-soluble […]

7 Vitamins Every Arthritis Sufferer Should Know About

A deficiency of vitamins can lead to a variety of health problems, including some forms of arthritis. These organic nutrients are normally sourced from our intake of fresh fruit and vegetables. Due to the following factors, it is not always possible to get our recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamins: 1) Poor soil quality 2) […]

Vitamins and Minerals that Promote and Stimulate Hair Growth in Men and Women

Nutrition is not just vital to your overall health, but is important to the health of your hair as well. While our bodies need a variety vitamins and minerals to support certain functions, there are specific ones that will promote healthy hair. Check all nutritional labels before taking any supplements to determine your daily allowance. […]

High Blood Pressure – 6 Natural Healing Remedies to Reduce Hypertension

High blood pressure (otherwise known as hypertension) is a chronic problem facing Americans and those all over the world. Our lifestyles are very different from those of our grandparents, or great-grandparents. We are much more sedentary, eat too many calories, eat poor quality food (fast food, pre-packaged products, few fruits and veggies), and we are […]