Omega 3 Content of Oils – What Substances Make Up the Omega 3 Content of Oils

In order to find the most suitable omega 3 oils for your health, you need to have enough information about the content of these oils. Omega 3 content of oils differs because these oils are obtained from animal and plant sources. While animal sources provide direct fatty acids, they are also rich in impurities, heavy […]

Dr Whiting on Controlling Inflammation Naturally (CLICK HERE) We are all too familiar with inflammation when it comes to an acute injury such as a sprain. Those suffering from chronic conditions such as arthritis and other joint and connective tissue problems know the very real pain and discomfort from ongoing inflammation. What most of us may not know however, is […]

Omega-3 Supplements Improve Blood Pressure in Overweight Teens

Each time your heart beats, its powerful muscles send blood through the arteries. Maintaining a normal blood pressure is critical to one’s health, as hypetension damages the arteries and increases the risk of a stroke or heart attack. It’s especially important to maintain healthy blood pressure early in life; prehypertension in adolescence can get carried […]

Vegetable Juice – Spinach, Celery and Chard

Green juicing Spinach, celery and Silverbeet aka. Chard as the main ingredients; together with carrot, kiwi-fruit, apple, papaya, lemon, coriander and parsley. This juice can be part of a vegan, raw food, detox or general health diet. Nutritional Benefits: [Spinach] Vitamins A, E, B2, B3, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, zinc, carotenoids, chlorophyll, oxalic […]

Dr Whiting on Heart Disease and Oral Chelation (CLICK HERE) In spite of dozens of drugs and numerous surgical procedures, heart disease is still the number one cause of death in most industrialized nations. While there are many forms of possible heart disease, the heart attack is the most common and most feared. Heart attacks can also come as a result of […]

High Blood Pressure Remedies That Promise Lower BP

Many experts consider high blood pressure (hypertension) more dangerous than high cholesterol. It’s been known as the Silent Killer because high blood pressure goes undetected until diagnosed usually due to another ailment constituting a visit to your doctor. If not found in time and if left untreated it can cause heart failures, stroke, kidney failure […]

Using Minerals to Stop Constipation

The various minerals and vitamins recommended, to stop constipation, here should be taken individually or as a multi-mineral complex or as a vitamin complex. Avoid a supplement that contains both vitamins and minerals. There is some loss in the effectiveness of individual vitamins and minerals when they are combined in multiform. Use capsules for best […]

Omega 3 Cooking Oils – All You Need to Know About Omega 3 Cooking Oils Available Today

In order to be able to choose the best omega 3 cooking oils available today, you need to keep some points in mind. Vegetable oils rich in omega 3 fatty acids include flaxseed, canola, soybean, corn, and pumpkin seed. Out of these, flaxseed and canola are considered to be the richest sources of essential omega […]

Omega 3 Fatty Oils – Long-Term Effects of Omega 3 Fatty Oils on Health and Well-Being

Fish oil and certain vegetable oils like flax seed and canola are increasingly gaining popularity in the medical world. This is because of the presence of essential fatty acids found in these oils. Essential fatty acids are the ones that cannot be manufactured by the body on its own and have to be consumed from […]