Natural Cure For Diabetes – And Free Diabetic Supplies

Dr Fedon Lindberg, a Norwegian endocrinologist, who has treated more than 18,000 diabetic patients in his four clinics in his home country, is one of the leading proponents of new dietary approach in treating diabetics, has this to say – “My experience with type 2 diabetic patients is that a balanced low-glycaemic diet coupled with […]

a Hijama / cupping treatment in the UAE.

Unani medicine is a very old system of medicine which have been developed scientifically. There are four type of treatment available 1. Regimental therapy, 2. Pharmacotherapy 3.Dietotherapy and 4. Surgery. Hijama ( cupping) is included in regimental therapy. Diseases like migraine, sinusitis, piles, back pains , spondilitis, hypertension, hyperlipidemia can be successfully treated through this […]

The Type 2 Diabetes and High Blood Pressure Link!

Type 2 diabetics have a higher rate of hypertension or high blood pressure than non-diabetics… in fact it is so common you have twice the risk when you have type 2 diabetes. Hypertension raises both your risk for heart attack, stroke and other complications of diabetes. Blood pressure is read as two numbers, for example […]

Malignant Hypertension Symptoms Treatment

Malignant Hypertension and accelerated high blood pressure are two emergency conditions which should be treated promptly. Both conditions have same outcome and therapy. However Malignant hypertension is a complication of high blood pressure characterized by very elevated high blood pressure, and organ damage in the eyes, brain, lung and/or kidneys. It differs from other complications […]

Hypertension In A Nutshell

Blood pressure is expressed as two components, with a larger top number (systolic pressure) and a smaller bottom figure (diastolic pressure). These readings are measured in millimeters of mercury. The systolic pressure reflects the heart’s contraction as blood is forced out of the heart; the diastolic measure reflects the pressure during the heart’s resting stage […]

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*** REASONABLE RATES *** In Person, or DISTANCE HEALINGS *** Accepting PayPal Make Payments to: Please call Nicky to set up an appointment (310) 346-1144 Nicky is a master healer located in Woodland Hills, California. Who has treated thousands of people with…