Vitamins, Minerals, and Essential Nutrients Make the Best Weight Loss Supplements

Stop the Cravings! Have you ever stopped to think that every time you reach for that chocolate bar or fried food that you may be suffering a nutritional deficiency? Have you ever made the connection between food cravings and nutritional deficiencies? When young children eat dirt or pregnant women have unusual cravings for salty and […]

Some Little Known Facts About Plant Derived Minerals

The importance of vitamins to good health is widely known. But what is not known is that minerals are also essential to good health. Without minerals to act as catalysts many vitamins cannot perform their necessary functions. Minerals need to be in a form that can be readily absorbed by the body. Minerals commonly occur […]

What Minerals Are in Tap Water – What You Should Know

We hear a lot about minerals these days, so the question what minerals are in tap water is not uncommon. Sports drinks containing minerals and mineral water are popular among sports people so the mineral content in our tap water is of interest. Generally speaking the area where you live determines what minerals are in […]

Whole Food Vitamins Vs Synthetic

There is a substantial difference between whole food vitamins and synthetic vitamins.?This short article aims at explaining this crucial difference and implications that taking one or the other kind has for our wellbeing. Whole food supplements are derived from naturally-occurring, full-spectrum food extracts.?To understand this better, it’s crucial to define what ‘naturally-occurring’ means.?By taking a […]

Why Are Vitamins and Minerals So Important?

The human body needs at least 90 nutrients to maintain optimum health, including a minimum of 59 minerals and 16 vitamins. Vitamins are nutrients that are required for the body to perform essential processes. In effect, they act as the trigger for enzymes to make all your bodies processes happen.?? Vitamins are instrumental in protecting […]

Coral Minerals – Ionized Calcium, Magnesium and Trace Minerals

There are some nutritional supplements that virtually everyone in America today can benefit from, and in our opinion, these include coral minerals, which contain calcium, magnesium and trace minerals, powdered greens, and essential fatty acids. Think of these supplements as a daily multi vitamin, mineral & fatty acid supplement, but they of course need to […]