Four Hour Body – Fatigue Fighter – Metabolism Equalizer http Drew Canole and Brooks Hollan are adopting principles of the Four Hour Body and applying them to their normal nutrition and diet. Juicing is something Drew is a huge advocate of. The benefits of liquid vegetables with the slow carb diet are amazing. Tim talks about grapefruit juice and how it speeds up […]

Beta Blockers in Essential Hypertension

Essential hypertension is a term generally used for hypertension originated from unknown causes. Most of the people experience this type of hypertension. Hypertension is when the pressure exerted by the blood over the arteries walls is higher than it should be. The average or normal pressure reading is below 120mmHg/80mmHg. Any person with a reading […]

High Blood Pressure Homeopathic Remedies – 5 Alternatives For You

An increase in blood pressure can sometimes be very dangerous because it can cause kidney and heart troubles, as well as the possibility of having a stroke. Worrying and nervousness may temporarily increase hypertension, yet continuous resting high blood pressure is more perilous and should be kept an eye on. The most proper way to […]

Some Surprising Facts About What Cayenne Pepper Can Do For Your Body

Your garden might be looking to grow something that is healthy for you. If you’re wondering what to add, you might want to consider growing some red hot chili peppers for the cayenne pepper that you can get from it. You can grow it for both medicinal and herbal aims, as it can serve both […]

10 Holiday Diet Strategies to Help Keep You Lean, Fit and Sexy!

During the holidays we all need to jam pack our damage control diet strategies arsenal. Some of us have some pretty practical strategies, others may need a little help. Here’s a little help…10 sure fire strategies you can use to ‘indulge without the New Year bulge’ 1.) You know you are going to be tempted […]

Universum Medical Presents: Abhyanga

The body is oiled with heated natural oils containing herbs and aromas according to the individual constitution. The procedure is combined with different types of massage — mardana (pressure massage), samvahana (light pressure massage), or synchronous massage. Along with the body, the head may also be oiled — shiroabhyanga. The effect is a simultaneous detoxification […]