Are There Alternatives To Antiviral Herpes Medications That Can Effectively Treat Outbreaks?

More and more herpes sufferers are seeking alternatives to Valtrex and other herpes medications to avoid the many potential side effects or avoid the high cost of daily therapy. Fortunately, there are natural treatment options that can be very effective in reducing the length and severity of outbreaks. Valtrex is the brand name for a […]

Blood Pressure Medication Side Effects and Alternative Treatments

High Blood Pressure is not something to be taken lightly. But neither should lack of knowledge. Educating yourself on what works and what doesn’t and why – can help you make better decisions for your health. Medication is the first choice of treatment when it comes to hypertension but is all medication good for you? […]

Hypertension Emancipation – Finding the Best Remedy for High Blood Pressure

How is blood pressure measured? How does one know if he or she has hypertension? Actually, most people know the answers to both these questions. But since hypertension – or high blood pressure – is such a “silent” condition (many people don’t even know they have it), people often simply don’t care. A doctor, in […]

Ganoderma Lucidum – The Healthiest Herb Known To Mankind Pharmalogical research shows that Ganoderma Lucidum herb has a calming and sedative effect on nervous system. It is particularly effective in the treatment of neuralgia and insomnia. In addition, this herb for nerves can also help you to improve sleep and appetite enhances vital energy improves memory and regain vitality All these with no […]

Nitric Oxide and Building Your Muscle Fast

Nitric Oxide supplements are probably the most popular supplements on the fitness market today. Walk into any health food store that caters to bodybuilders, and you’ll see names of products such as NO2, Nitrix, NOxplode, SuperPump 250, NOX, TracNO and many others. I’m a strong supporter in nitric oxide products to build muscle and there’s […]

Holistic High Blood Pressure Treatment – A Natural Remedy For Hypertension

It is extremely unfortunate that more and more Americans are diagnosed and suffer from High Blood Pressure. This is mainly due to the unhealthy lifestyles of Americans. Americans have become dangerously addicted to processed foods, they restrain from implementing physical activity within the daily routine and perhaps becoming more obese. To combat the ultimate symptoms […]

Hypertension Alternative – How an Alternative Treatment Can Normalize Blood Pressure

Thousands of high blood pressure sufferers are turning to a hypertension alternative and forgoing on medications. Part of this natural health fad is because side effects for synthetic medications are becoming more and more severe. Other patients are becoming more and more educated on an alternative treatment for high blood pressure. Fact! High blood pressure […]