Are There Alternatives To Antiviral Herpes Medications That Can Effectively Treat Outbreaks?

More and more herpes sufferers are seeking alternatives to Valtrex and other herpes medications to avoid the many potential side effects or avoid the high cost of daily therapy. Fortunately, there are natural treatment options that can be very effective in reducing the length and severity of outbreaks. Valtrex is the brand name for a […]

Anatomy and Physiology-Heart and Lungs Part 1.avi Fitness Instructor course

By the end of the lesson you should be able to describe the heart, lungs and circulatory systems: 2.1 Identify the location and purpose of the major organs. 2.2 Describe the basic structure of the heart as having four chambers and valves and how blood is pumped and collected. 2.3 Identify the basic structure and […]

Best Anti aging secret revealed: Oxygen Therapy (EWOT) in Sarasota.

Discovered in Germany. EWOT or exercise with oxygen therapy is the best over all way to turn back the clock at a cellular level. Cardiovascular exercise is done for short periods of time several times a week, the research suggests long term benefits can be retained and cancer can be prevented…. Video Rating: 5 / […]

DRTV Agencies Are More Relevant Than Ever

The average person wouldn’t go to family practitioner for heart surgery, nor would he or she call on a newspaper reporter to write an infomercial script. Everyone knows that an automobile dealership isn’t the best place to get your car’s windows tinted, and that Sam’s Club probably isn’t the best source of specialized business equipment. […]

Ardyss International is a Blessing to me. See Why

Ardyss was introduced to me by my high school friend Stormy Wellington. During my journey with this extraordinary MLM co.I’ve had my ups and Downs, trial and tribulations throughout the past several months. In April 09 my mother had a Massive Stroke from High blood Pressure. The love of my life and the Rock of […]

Introduction to PHA’s YouTube Channel

Welcome to the Pulmonary Hypertension Association’s YouTube Channel! This is the premier place on the web to find videos from PHA that will help you, your friends and your community learn more about pulmonary hypertension. This short video introduction will show you how to navigate and use our YouTube site so that you can find […]