Macular pucker removal and repositioning of decentered IOL

Macular pucker surgery using 25 gauge small incision “no stitch” system and repositioning of decentered intraocular lens, This 67 year old white male has noticed decreased vision in his left eye for one year. He had a cataract surgery one year ago. His vision did not improve. It looked like he had a thumbprint in […]

FrequenSea the Most Complete Natural Whole Super Food

Some of the health benefits you may realize from taking FrequenSea Marine Phytoplankton are: Immune system support and enhancement, Normalizes blood sugar levels, Antioxidant protection, supports normal cholesterol levels, Alkalizing – helping improve the pH balance of the body, Anti-inflammatory effects on membranes – Relieves joint pain, Supports healthy blood pressure, Cell wall improvement through […]

Do You Know What is in Your Children’s Vitamins? It is Shocking!

Do you happen to know for sure what is in the childrens vitamins that you give your child? If you knew what many name brand vitamins contain, you would be surprised. There is at least one name brand vitamin (mentioning no names) that contains five items that you will find most perturbing. If you have […]

Chelation Therapy, edta, heavy metal removal and heart disease part 1 Welcome to Edta, Heavy Metal Removal Medicardium Supplementation! If you are looking for the benefits of EDTA, consider suppository Magnesium Di-Potassium EDTA. EDTA has been used for over 50 years to support the body’s detoxification of metals like mercury, lead, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, uranium and nickel. While orally delivered EDTA is only 5% absorbed […]

Your Thoughts and Emotions Affect DNA: Nithyananda Morning Message (23 Oct 2010)

In this discourse, Paramahamsa Nithyananda elaborately describes how human emotions and thoughts directly affect DNA and shows the Vedic science behind these modern scientific facts. Different diseases like diabetes, arthritis, chronic heart problems and blood pressure have been directly linked to human emotions by modern science. The same has however been described in great detail […]