Hypertension Diet

While medications to treat hypertension are available, research has shown that modest lifestyle and dietary changes can help treat and often delay or prevent high blood pressure. People trying to control hypertension often are advised to decrease sodium, increase potassium, watch their calories, and maintain a reasonable weight. Following are 5 best books on hypertension […]

Cooling Breath – Shitali Pranayama ~ Breathing Exercise

Click for DVD – bit.ly 18 Classes on 1 disk for .95 yogayak.com Sometimes in our day-to-day life we get a bit hot-headed about things – even the coolest cucumber occasionally feels hot under the collar. The cooling breath is designed to do just what it suggests – cool the body, mind and spirit. Duration […]

Lowering Blood Pressure With Cayenne Pepper and 4 Other Great Foods

Cayenne pepper has been used for centuries as a medicinal herb and pain reliever and now there is evidence that this versatile plant can also help you lower your blood pressure. The compound that makes the “hot” in this hot pepper is called capsaicin and studies have definitively shown that this material reduces atherosclerosis which […]

Negative Oxygen Ions Lamp for air purification

The Negative Oxygen Ions Generating Lamp and the common energy-saving lamp are installed in the two transparent covers. Both covers are filled with smoke. The power is switched on and within 30 seconds the thick smoke in the Negative Oxygen Ions Generating Lamp cover will quickly disappear, while the smoke in the cover of the […]

NIACIN: A Natural Miracle that Can Lower Blood Pressure and Cholesterol Levels up to 30 Percent

Toronto, Ontario (PRWEB) April 29, 2005 As a natural water soluble B-Vitamin, Niacin directly affects the liver ?s production of Very-Low-Density LipoProtein (VLDL), which in turn reduces the production of Low-Density LipoProtein (LDL), the worst offender in our bloodstream. Niacin seems to naturally ?short circuit ? the liver in producing LDL, and just as important, […]

Essential Vitamins & Minerals to Keep Acne at Bay – Vitamins A, B, C, E

Vitamins are needed for your body to function as God decrees. Lacking in certain vitamins such as vitamin A (vitamin A itself, not it’s derivatives) has found to be causes of acne. Remember that excess vitamins will become toxic in your body. (well, except vitamin C which will be passed out as expensive urine) Since […]

Cozaar (losartan) reduces strokes by 40%, but does NOT reduce heart attacks

fatnews.com Hi, this is Larry Hobbs @ FatNews.com. larryhobbs@fatnews.com The blood pressure medicine Cozaar [losartan] [reduced strokes by 40%, but] did NOT reduce [heart attacks]…. Between Cozaar and the beta blocker atenolol, Cozaar, some might argue, is only the lesser of two evils. — Franz Messerli, MD, European Heart Journal, 2003. Cozaar [losartan] is an […]

7 Vitamins Every Arthritis Sufferer Should Know About

A deficiency of vitamins can lead to a variety of health problems, including some forms of arthritis. These organic nutrients are normally sourced from our intake of fresh fruit and vegetables. Due to the following factors, it is not always possible to get our recommended daily allowance (RDA) of vitamins: 1) Poor soil quality 2) […]