In 2000, Susie Dodson was diagnosed with a rare, and often fatal, heart-lung disorder, a type of pulmonary hypertension called pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH). Video Rating: 5 / 5
Posts with the rare tag
Symptoms of High Blood Pressure
This is the scary part. There actually are not any real obvious symptoms of high blood pressure that people can easily notice. That is precisely why it is called “the silent killer.” High blood pressure can sneak up on you, and you might never know you have it until you have a heart attack, heart […]
High Blood Pressure: Initial Investigations
You may wonder why your high blood pressure was not diagnosed until you had to have a medical for your new insurance policy. This is probably because you had not had your blood pressure measured for some years. Like you, many people with high blood pressure have no symptoms at all. The only way to […]
Turmeric For Diabetes – Diagnosis, Control and Prevention
Diabetes is quite common in today’s society where it’s estimated that over 60% of adults are, at minimum, overweight. Diabetes quite serious and the worse case scenario, although quite rare, is death. There are many more short and long term common complications with diabetes, short term complications include excessive thirst, dehydration and drowsiness whilst long […]
High Blood Pressure: Genetics, Age and Lifestyle
So is high blood pressure really genetic? Yes, hypertension is inherited, but this does not automatically mean that you will develop it yourself if most of your family members have it. However, it is not yet known exactly how it is inherited. Some characteristics and some rare diseases can be caused by inheriting single genes. […]
Swollen Tongue and Angioedema Due to ACE Inhibitor Blood Pressure Medication
High blood pressure medication is very commonly prescribed by doctors. Some medications carry more risk of side effects than others. ACE inhibitor drugs like lisinopril and enalapril are used all over the world. One of the main side effects of these drugs is swelling of the lips and throat – called angioedema in medical language. […]
Nouveau traitement pour l’HTP
10 000 Canadiens souffrent d‚une rare maladie pulmonaire potentiellement mortelle appelée hypertension artérielle pulmonaire, ou HTP. La maladie se manifeste souvent par un essoufflement continu, des douleurs thoraciques, de la fatigue et des étourdissements Un nouveau médicament est maintenant disponible au Canada qui offre aux patients qui souffrent d’hypertension pulmonaire une nouvelle option thérapeutique plus […]
Pulmonary Hypertension
What is pulmonary hypertension? A rare disease, pulmonary hypertension is an elevated blood pressure in the lung vasculature. High pressure is exerted on the walls of the pulmonary artery, pulmonary vein and pulmonary capillaries that make up the pulmonary vasculature. When you ever feel any signs of shortness of breath, dizziness, fainting or other symptoms […]