High Blood Pressure Causes – Why Do You Get High Blood Pressure?

There are many high blood pressure causes but nearly all of them can be remedied. In this article, I’ll break down the causes so you can see how you can cure yourself of what doctors call the “silent killer”. Narrowing Of The Arteries The ultimate cause of high blood pressure is a simple biological and […]

Health & Fitness : Breathing Exercises to Lower Blood Pressure

Breathing exercises can be a very important part of lowering blood pressure, and seated breathing exercises should include the use of loose clothes. Learn to push the diaphragm out to lower blood pressure with help from a professional bodybuilder in this free video on health and fitness.

Vitamins: How To Keep Your Body Healthy By Using Vitamins Safely

Vitamins are an important part of a health diet. Unlike carbohydrates, proteins, and fats, vitamins do not directly provide building blocks or energy for your body; vitamins function as assistants to your body in creating and breakdown down building blocks and storing and releasing energy. Vitamins come in two basic types: water-soluble and fat-soluble (see […]

Weight Loss Diet Pills – How Much Weight Can You Lose? At What Cost?

The diet pill I’m referring to is Duromine. I’ve had my own weight loss on Duromine, I’ve written this article to share my experiences with you. First I’ll start with a brief explanation of what Duromine is and the possible side effects of it, then follow with my own Duromine experience. What is Duromine? Duromine […]

Gout Relief – Omega Oils in Your Diet For Fast Natural Gout Treatment

Is there really a natural cure for gout? Could changes in your diet make much of a difference? As a gout sufferer, you probably have heard or read about certain sea foods to avoid in your daily diet. Certain fish, in particular shellfish and oily fish (like sardines) can cause your gout to go on […]