How to Lower Your Blood Pressure Quickly

In most cases, the secondary diseases that follow the high blood pressure manifest long time after the hypertension and it’s symptoms appear. To provide a treatment for hypertension and to lower blood pressure quickly it is significant to discover it’s existence in the beginning phase, before it can generate extremely bad harms to the other […]

Understanding the Purpose of Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are an integral part of our daily lives, yet people quite often overlook them. However, by eating a healthy diet people should get the necessary daily supply. Sometimes though, even by eating good, wholesome food, a person can be still be lacking in their intake. A good way to overcome this is […]

Pulmonary Hypertension Echocardiography Findings

Do you always need to measure the systolic pulmonary artery pressure (sPAP) in order to see if pulmonary hypertension is present? In this demo, Thomas Binder explains that there are a bunch of other clues that indicate pulmonary hypertension using echocardiography. Remember: very often sPAP cannot be measured. Therefore, these clues are extremely important. Learn […]

Some Little Known Facts About Plant Derived Minerals

The importance of vitamins to good health is widely known. But what is not known is that minerals are also essential to good health. Without minerals to act as catalysts many vitamins cannot perform their necessary functions. Minerals need to be in a form that can be readily absorbed by the body. Minerals commonly occur […]

Hypertension | High Blood Pressure | Natural Hypertension Cure

More info: Author Shane Ellison highlights the benefits of hawthorn over conventional hypertension drugs on the Creative Living Show hosted by Sheryl Borden. Ellison describes how the drug companies have lowered the “standard blood pressure definition” in order to convert healthy people into patients. Video Rating: 5 / 5

The Story – Where Do Minerals Come From?

Glaciers melt, sending rocks down rivers, rivers grinding rocks into gravel and silt, gravel and silt travels down the river to its basin. During the spring the basin floods info farmland and then recedes. Thus, flooding the farmland with rock and trace minerals. The farmer plants the seed in the soil, the seed germinates creating […]

Heart Health Stent Implantation Coronary Surgery PreOp® Patient Education Feature -NEW facebook page – it’s cool! Patient Education Company Your doctor has recommended that you undergo a balloon angioplasty with a stent implant. But what does that actually mean? The heart is located in the center of the chest. It’s job is to keep blood continually circulating throughout the body. The blood vessels that […]

Cayenne Pepper – An Easy Way to Lose Weight – Available As Weight Loss Pills

When it comes to losing weight naturally; the easiest and most natural way seems be rigorous exercise plan or dieting. Though it goes without saying these two methods are still the most popular ways to burn fat, very people are actually successful in following their exercise or dieting plans. Using natural products like cayenne pepper, […]