Natural Cures For High Blood Pressure – The Silent Killer

Blood pressure is the force exerted by blood on the arterial walls as it flows through them. It is normal to experience high blood pressure when you exert yourself. But if you experience high blood pressure even as you rest, it means that you are suffering from hypertension. High blood pressure can be controlled with […]

Doctors Don’t Discuss These Natural Cures for High Blood Pressure

It is scientific knowledge that hypertension is caused either by stress or by the food that we eat. The usual cure is by taking medicines prescribed by doctors, which of course must be followed to immediately manage symptoms. But there are natural cures for high blood pressure that can be done while also taking medications. […]

Blood Pressure Medication Side Effects and Alternative Treatments

High Blood Pressure is not something to be taken lightly. But neither should lack of knowledge. Educating yourself on what works and what doesn’t and why – can help you make better decisions for your health. Medication is the first choice of treatment when it comes to hypertension but is all medication good for you? […]

Anti-Hypertensive Diet, 3 Essential Foods to Control Your High Blood Pressure

According to the latest statistics, there are about 65 million Americans with hypertension or high blood pressure. Learn the three essential foods you need to include in your diet to control high blood pressure. This article on anti-hypertensive diet may save your heart and your life. Maybe you are one of those 65 million with […]

List of Vitamins and Uses

Vitamins recognized by legislative definitions in the United States include: Vitamin A Promotes healthy bone growth, vision, reproduction, cell division and specialization and helps regulate the immune system. Sources include whole milk, liver, eggs, some fortified breakfast cereals, carrots, sweet potatoes, spinach and most darkly colored fruit and vegetables. Vitamin B1 – Also known as […]

Beat Hypertension With Hypertension Elimination Exercises

We have all heard how important it is to get exercise into our daily lives. However, if you are one of the 75 percent in the United States who suffers from hypertension, you may be worried that hypertension exercises may increase your blood pressure to critical levels. There are some clues you can watch for […]

What Are Vitamins and Minerals and What Do They Do?

Vitamins and minerals are essential substances that the human body requires in order to exist and survive and plays a vital role in maintaining health. They have important roles in keeping the body functioning properly and maintaining good health, particularly in this modern society where most foods are either processed or over-cooked and contains lots […]