High blood pressure is a serious condition that can be fatal if left untreated and yet medication to reduce hypertension can have serious side effects. While it is important that you follow your doctor’s advice, there are also many ways to naturally reduce blood pressure which over time may reduce your need for medications and […]
Posts with the high tag
Part Time Jobs For 16-Year-Olds
You just turned 16 and you are feeling very good about yourself. You just got your drivers license and with the help of your parents you just purchased your first car and you are able to go places and do things on your own that you were never able to do as a 15 year […]
Blood Pressure and Anxiety
High blood pressure is a condition where the pressure of your blood is higher than it should be. The force that the blood exerts on the blood vessels should be kept at certain levels otherwise it can become one dangerous health problem. A typical blood pressure reading should be less than 120/80mmHg. Anything reading above […]
High Blood Pressure Causes, Risk Factors, & Prevention Or Elimination
Many risk factors and conditions can cause high blood pressure (hypertension). One of the major causes is a hidden toxin found in numerous food items and products we consume every day. Even if you suffer from essential hypertension, you can eliminate it without taking potentially harmful prescription drugs. By making a few diet and lifestyle […]
Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Treatment Options
Hypertension is typically treated by making changes in your lifestyle, and with drug therapy. Lifestyle Changes to Treat Hypertension Lifestyle changes include eating a healthy diet (such as the DASH diet, which includes lowering sodium but including daily servings of fruits, vegetables, and whole grain foods), stopping smoking, losing weight, and getting enough exercise, especially […]
Types of Hypertension Warning Signs
Hypertension is a synonym for high blood pressure. The condition occurs when the blood pumped by the heart is pushed too hard against the blood vessel walls. The extra force eventually causes the heart to work harder, often leading to damage of the bodily organs. Hypertension can cause illness such as heart attack, stroke, aneurysm, […]
Prevalence of High Blood Pressure
There is no evidence that average blood pressure in the whole of the general population has risen over the seventy or so years over which measurements are available. There is some indirect evidence that it may be lowered and may still be falling quite independently of medical treatment. Whatever the definition of high blood pressure […]
High Blood Pressure Causes – Why Do You Get High Blood Pressure?
There are many high blood pressure causes but nearly all of them can be remedied. In this article, I’ll break down the causes so you can see how you can cure yourself of what doctors call the “silent killer”. Narrowing Of The Arteries The ultimate cause of high blood pressure is a simple biological and […]
Fish Oil Heart Health Supplements
We are all looking for ways to live a little longer, avoid that catastrophic illness, and improve general wellness. Fish oil heart health supplements are one of the best and most affordable ways to do this. In this article titled “Fish Oil Heart Health Supplements” we will first briefly discuss heart disease and heart attack […]
Hypertension – 6 Tips To Keep It Under Control
The figures are astounding! Approximately 63 million Americans have been or are being treated for high blood pressure. Rounding it up, this figure represents at least 25% of the whole American population! What is even more frightening is the report that every year, at least 32,000 of these people die as a direct result of […]
Blood Pressure: Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy and Acupuncture
The temptation with herbal medicines is to think that because they are natural substances they must therefore be safe. It is easy to forget that plants can do harm. Some herbal remedies may raise blood pressure or may interfere with the effect of conventional drugs. Liquorice and other herbal remedies used as diuretics promote sodium […]
Reduce Hypertension With Proven Herbal Remedies
Hypertension is the other name for high blood pressure. Hypertension, in other words, indicates the tension or pressure exerted by blood in the arteries. When our heart pumps, oxygenated blood is made to rush through the blood vessels called arteries in to the various organs and tissues of our body. The normal pressure of blood […]
The Dangers of High Blood Pressure and How You Can Avoid Them
High blood pressure (HBP), or hypertension as it is also known, is a condition whereby the subject exhibits persistently elevated blood pressure level above the normal 120/80 mm Hg. High blood pressure is always alarming, especially if we will consider the perils that are possible during the period of elevated measurement. An episode of hypertension […]