Natural Cures For High Blood Pressure – Natural Blood Pressure

Natural Cures For High Blood Pressure – Natural Blood Pressure Hypertension is the medical term for high blood pressure. Blood pressure measures how much the heart contracts (systolic pressure) and how much the arteries contract (diastolic pressure). A person with hypertension would usually experience dizziness, headaches, fatigue, breathlessness, ringing in the ears, visual disturbances, and […]

Reduce blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes, & medications!

Ken, diagnosed with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and taking several medications, shares his transformation through Maximized Living with Dr. BJ Hardick. Ken’s story, in his own words: WHAT WAS YOUR CONDITION? High Blood Pressure 231/119 Arthritis This caused problems doing normal things like washing my car, gardening, and even trying to […]

Treatment for Hypertension and High Blood Pressure

Treatment for Hypertension and High Blood Pressure What Hypertension? Hypertension is a fancy medical word for high blood pressure. Your blood carries nutrients and oxygen to your body, and to take the waste, such as carbon dioxide. The heart pumps blood through “pipes” – the blood vessels called arteries and the blood returns to the […]

High Blood Pressure Dieting – Avoid Medication with Hypertension Natural Alternative

I think numbers are amazing! I think I must have been that geeky kid who would just do math equations for fun all day in school. In fact, the curse of numbers followed me to college and for some reason wooed me into an accounting degree even though my true passion has always been health. […]

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Diet – Are You Eating Your Way to an Early Grave?

Changing what you eat can have a major effect on your blood pressure. And it’s necessary to focus both on what IS in your diet, as well as what’s NOT in your diet. We’ve all heard that the healthy diet includes limiting fats and simple carbohydrates such as sugar. But did you know there’s a […]

High Blood Pressure, Potassium and Salt – Is There an Alternative to the Low Salt Diet?

While there is no solid proof of what causes high blood pressure, most physicians will agree that NaCl, salt or sodium, plays an important role in bringing it on. Most people who consume less than 3 grams of salt a day do not have high blood pressure or hypertension. However, the reverse is not true. […]

Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Diet – 5 Foods You Should Consider!

Are you one of the more than 65 million Americans who have high blood pressure? What is even more frightening is that you could be amongst the many who doesn’t even know they have it – and during this time it can harm your heart, your blood vessels and other organs of your body. It […]

Treating High Blood Pressure With Natural Herbs – Does it Work?

Treating high blood pressure with natural herbs is very popular these days. It’s too bad that most herbal remedies for high blood pressure are worthless. Lack of government regulation enables companies to get away with using small amounts of poor-quality herbs. That’s a shame because using herbs to control blood pressure can be a safe, […]

Diastolic High Blood Pressure – Is It A Signal Of Worse Things To Come?

Diastolic High Blood Pressure – Is It A Signal Of Worse Things To Come? If you’ve been diagnosed with diastolic high blood pressure then you already know that you’re diastolic blood pressure reading is greater than the normal 80 mm. If it is above 80mm but no greater than 100 mm you are pre-hypertensive and […]