Lower Blood Pressure Naturally – Whole Grains Reduce Stroke Risk By 25%

Put down the white rice and pick up the brown. Refined white bread, actually any refined grain food should be replaced by whole grain foods in order to lower blood pressure naturally and safely according to a recent study. A group of adults in their 50s, all overweight, were among participants of a study that […]

Curing Hypertension Through Surgical Operation

The hope of curing hypertension through surgical operation is increasing as the first attempt to reduce and permanently cure a persistently elevated blood pressure was made in Britain recently. All attempts before now seemed to only offer a palliative rather than curative hope for the hypertensive patient. Recently however, a renal surgery was carried out […]

Diet For Hypertension – 4 Essential Ingredients For a Healthy You

Hypertension (high blood pressure) is a common cardiovascular disease that leads to severe complications if left untreated. The condition affects one in four adults in the United States alone. Furthermore, because there are no specific signs or symptoms, many Americans aren’t aware that they have developed it. There are, however, specific factors that increase the […]

Reduce High Blood Pressure Safely With Vitamin C

The suspenseful music rises. The darkness comes upon you. A full moon dimly lights the vacant wooded area. You know that a silent killer lives in these dark woods. You hear something. Something or someone is following you. In a cold sweat, you look over your shoulder. The music crescendos into frightful intervals. All you […]

The Things That Lead to High Blood Sugar Beyond Diabetes

When your blood sugar is above 150, it is very likely that you are already suffering from high blood sugar. Oftentimes, the presence of high blood sugar is associated with type 1 or type 2 diabetes. People who are at the pre-diabetic stage also tend to suffer from high sugar levels in their blood. Is […]

Signs and Symptoms of Gestational Diabetes During Pregnancy

Gestational diabetes is the development of high levels of blood glucose by a woman who did not have any diabetes diagnosis before. In most women, this condition normally springs during the later stages of their pregnancy. The condition affects many women throughout the whole world and a number of signs and symptoms characterize it. When […]

Omega 3 Fatty Oils – Long-Term Effects of Omega 3 Fatty Oils on Health and Well-Being

Fish oil and certain vegetable oils like flax seed and canola are increasingly gaining popularity in the medical world. This is because of the presence of essential fatty acids found in these oils. Essential fatty acids are the ones that cannot be manufactured by the body on its own and have to be consumed from […]

7 Herbal Remedies For High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a medical condition that is affecting millions of Americans today. According to the American Heart Association, about nearly 1/3 of Americans right now are suffering from high blood pressure. The scarier part about that number is that only about 75% of the people in the United States […]