High blood pressure is the most diagnosed condition in the Unites States today and it is now estimated that it affects about 72 million Americans, including one out of every three adults. But, while we talk about high blood pressure, or hypertension, did you know that there are actually two different types of high blood […]
Posts with the high tag
How to Reduce High Blood Pressure Without Medications
Most people diagnosed with high blood pressure are prescribed prescription medications by their doctor. Hypertension medications designed to reduce blood pressure include: ACE (Angiotensin-converting enzyme) inhibitors – it prevents your body from making Angiotensin II that can can cause our blood vessels to narrow, thicken and stiffen. Alpha Blockers – They stop the hormone norepinephrine […]
Natural Remedies For High Blood Pressure – Do They Really Work?
Hypertension is one of those medical conditions for which mainstream medical practitioners prescribe several natural treatments before they suggest resorting to medication. Most people with mild to middling levels witness significant drops in their blood pressure after using natural and non-invasive methods of treatments. These natural remedies for high blood pressure, undoubtedly, work to a […]
Symptoms of diabetes – Discover Them All And Fight For Your Health and wellness
Symptoms of diabetes – Discover Them All And Fight For Your Health and wellness Article by Matt Wooledge Most People today Exhibit few or no noticeable symptoms of diabetes, and have a tendency to be shocked when high sugar is detected in routine blood or urine tests. In most individuals who develop Symptoms of diabetes […]
Natural Cure For High Blood Pressure
Dealing with high blood pressure is a serious matter that needs to be addressed. We will endeavor to put your mind at ease about this serious subject and find some natural products that you can use to lower your blood pressure. Fortunately for most people, high blood pressure is not difficult to control. The main […]
Can I Bring My Blood Pressure Down Naturally?
Question: I’ve just been prescribed a drug for high BP but I don’t really want to take it because hair loss is listed as one of the side effects. Can you suggest an alternative course of treatment? Answer: I explain high BP to my patients like this: when you water your garden, you can increase […]
How to Treat Hypertension (High Blood Pressure) Naturally Through Diet and Supplements
In this article I will show you exactly how to relieve the symptoms of high blood pressure, and actually lower your blood pressure, quickly and easily using natural methods. High blood pressure is an increasingly common disorder in the developed world, and is usually caused by atherosclerosis (where the arteries narrow and thicken), arterial tension […]
Hypertension in Seniors
It is just another one of those joys of aging. The risk of developing high blood pressure increases as we get older. The increased risk actually begins in midlife. Men over the age of 45 and women over the age of 55 are more apt to develop hypertension than younger people. The risk seems to […]
The Signs And Symptoms Of Hypertension
The signs and symptoms of hypertension, or high blood pressure as it is also known as, include blood pressure readings that are consistently more than 140/90. Pre-hypertension is present when your blood pressure readings are consistently between 120-139/80-89. Although this does not mean you have hypertension, it is a good indicator that you will most […]
Signs And Symptoms Of Low Blood Pressure And The Dangers
People often think of hypertension (high blood pressure) when blood pressure problems or issues are mentioned – they seem to forget that low blood pressure problems also exist. The American Heart Association defines high blood pressure parameters being 140/90 and higher and normal as 135/85 and lower. The higher numerical reading is the systolic reading […]
Ayurveda Cure For Hypertension
Hypertension or high blood pressure is so common today that at least one in ten people aged 40 or above has high BP related problems. This is the pressure that blood exerts on blood vessel walls. High blood pressure occurs when heart works harder to pump blood. Thickening of blood vessels (arteriosclerosis) causes it. This […]
Blood Pressure, What Do You Need To Know About It?
Hypertension is regarded as America’s most prevalent chronic illness today; this requires a team effort and a lifelong treatment plan. As an important part of the team, you play a role that is vital in maintaining overall success that will prevent problems in the future. Having a complete understanding of your condition, appropriate lifestyle changes, […]
Chiropractor In Lone Tree, Co 80124 High Cholesterol and Blood Pressure Help!
Are you struggling with high cholesterol or high blood pressure in the Highlands Ranch, Co or Lone Tree, Co area? A Chiropractor in Lone Tree Dr. Mainieri has been helping people with these conditions for over 11 years. At Ridge Line Chiropractic Dr. Mainieri has developed an amazing protocol to reduce high blood pressure and […]