Diabetes is a disease in which the blood glucose or sugar levels in our system are too high. The principal source of glucose is in the foods we eat: starchy foods such as bread, rice and potatoes or from sugar and sweet foods. Our blood carries the glucose to all of the cells in the […]
Posts with the high tag
Treating High Blood Pressure With Calcium
The ‘medical’ term for high blood pressure is Hypertension. It occurs when the insides of arteries are being affected by excessive tension of blood pumping through them. As strange as it may sound, it is still unknown what causes hypertension, although we know what can speed up the onset of this medical condition or make […]
4 Tips for High Blood Pressure Diet – Food to Eat and to Avoid
When you discover that you have hypertension or pre-hypertension, the first thing doctors do, they prescribe medication. However, the right diet can dramatically reduce your blood pressure as well, sometimes so much that you will not need any drugs. Find out what a high blood pressure diet is and how you can easily incorporate it […]
Common High Blood Pressure Medications – Know These 8 Types
There are eight common medications used to treat high blood pressure. While many people dealing with hypertension will possibly be prescribed a combination of a variety of these medications, the amount of medication needed depends greatly on the type and the level of severity of the illness. While antihypertensive medicines are used to lower blood […]
Natural Cures For Diabetes – How to Cure Diabetes Naturally
A good diet is the key to good health. While in some cases diabetes is caused due to genetic factors or other triggers, more often than not it is diets rich in sugar that lead to blood sugar problems later in life. Every diet has the scope to be tweaked a little bit so that […]
Dennis Richard a2z MMS-How to Mix MMS Part 2
Dennis Richard A2Z: This is an instructional video that shows how to mix MMS. Check out our website mmsdr.com for additional information. Dennis Richard A2Z Show to mix MMS health infection balance cancer disease freedom worry feeling young Dennis Richard MMS distributer, MMS manufacturer, Dennis Richard MMS wholesaler, Dennis Richard MMS supplier, MMS retailer, MMS, […]
Capoten–Should this Be Your Medication to Treat Your High Blood Pressure?
Capoten–Should this Be Your Medication to Treat Your High Blood Pressure? Article by Maryann Hildebrant Any patient diagnosed with high blood pressure faces the challenge of keeping the blood pressure numbers within normal range. Hypertension has no cure but recent breakthroughs in the pharmaceutical area have produced antihypertensive medications that help people keep their blood […]
Part 5: Hypertension (high blood pressure) caused by vitamin D deficiency
The differential diagnosis of chronic high blood pressure (hypertension) should include consideration of vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D deficiency is diagnosed by measurement of blood levels of 25-hydroxy-vitamin D.
HAARP Chemtrail Connection
HAARP ((High Frequency Active Auroral Reasearch Program) is an array of antennae’s that shoot over 1 billion watts (3.6 MegaWatts) into the ionosphere turning our atmosphere into a giant microwave-radar combo basically. Scientists early on in the HAARP experiments found they were able to find natural gas desposits and oil wells with 100% accuracy deep […]
Lower Blood Pressure Foods to Cure Hypertension and Avoid Heart Attacks
Hypertension (high blood pressure) is rightly called the ‘silent killer’. It is the leading precursor of heart attacks which are the leading cause of death in most of the Western World.? Yet there are no noticeable signs, no symptoms to warn you. You don’t know what your blood pressure is until you get it checked. […]
The New Evolution Diet – Episode 1
Astonishing as it may be, it’s a fact that human DNA has evolved very little since our Paleolithic ancestors roamed the earth. But while our genes may be similar, the environment in which they express themselves has changed radically. Living in an age when activity was mandatory and food was scarce, our ancestors thrived. Early […]
Blood Pressure & Hepatitis C
hepatitis-c.net Lloyd chats about healthy, non pharmaceutical remedies for high blood pressure and why it’s especially important if you’e got Hepatitis C. Video Rating: 5 / 5
Foods That Lower Blood Pressure Effectively
It is common for people suffering from hypertension to want to get the necessary prescription first. While medications can help a lot in controlling hypertension, adopting a healthier diet can actually be more helpful. There are foods that lower blood pressure and if you are able to include them into your diet, there is no […]