Mango Fruit | Mango Nutrition Mango fruit came from India around the border with Burma; mango fruits have spread to Southeast Asia at least since the year 1500 the set. Mango fruit is also known in various local languages, such as mempelam (Malaya), poh (java), pelem, and others. Mango fruit have various shapes, sizes, colors, and taste. The form […]

Green Tea and Blood Pressure – How to Use Green Tea To Lower Your High Blood Pressure Symptoms

Green tea has been shown to greatly lower high blood pressure symptoms. This article will discuss how green tea manages to do this and discuss some of the scientific studies conducted to make this finding. Hypertension or high blood pressure is a very common medical ailment suffered by people worldwide. Research has shown that drinking […]

High Blood Pressure: Hypertension – The Silent Killer

High blood pressure (HBP) or hypertension is known as the silent killer because most people who have these conditions don’t even know they have it. Most people have no clue. Hypertension usually develops first and if not corrected usually leads to a chronic condition known as high blood pressure. These conditions are normally diagnosed by […]