High Blood Pressure – Critical Facts About a Silent Killer, Part I

High blood pressure (hypertension) is indeed a silent killer. In a significaare no symptoms until you end up with a stroke, heart attack, eye disent number of cases there ase which may lead to blindness, or even chronic kidney disease leading to dialysis. Know the Critical Facts. Do you know what your blood pressure is […]

Hypertension and Social Economic Status

Social status, prestige, all these are connected with an individual. Sometimes it is acquired or sometimes it comes with the birth. Social status comes with family background, money, position and ethnic family. To reach the social status as others, we earn, earn and earn, we don’t understand how to gain. Middle class people complete their […]

Dr Whiting on Heart Disease and Oral Chelation

phoenixnutritionals.com (CLICK HERE) In spite of dozens of drugs and numerous surgical procedures, heart disease is still the number one cause of death in most industrialized nations. While there are many forms of possible heart disease, the heart attack is the most common and most feared. Heart attacks can also come as a result of […]

Patients With Hypertension Should Avoid Alcohol

The incidence of hypertension in a sense is related with people’s bad habits lifestyle and behavior, coupled with high blood pressure itself, there is no “special effects” method cure, most patients only through an appropriate and long-term drug, non-drug treatment and the necessary control measures, then can be long-term control. For hypertension, drinking is not […]

What Are The Symptoms Of Diabetes?

Diabetes Mellitus is a condition in which the pancreas does not supply adequate insulin to the body resulting in high blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia). The symptoms of diabetes include frequent urination, excessive thirst, blurred vision, unexplainable weight loss, increased appetite, and unrelieved fatigue. Other symptoms of diabetes may include diabetic Ketoacidosis, rapid breathing, deep breathing, […]

Reverse heart disease, high cholesterol and high blood pressure with proper diet, not drugs — Maximized Living

In the Maximized Living Makeover, Dr. BJ Hardick comments on why the pharmaceutical industry fails to provide patients with a diet that corrects their cause of illness. The Maximized Living Healing Diet has been shown to reverse high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, and obesity. Video Rating: 4 / 5

The Symptoms And Types Of Hypertension

Hypertension has several symptoms, high blood pressure Systemic, arterial hypertension or hypertensive heart disease but the commonest variety of hypertension is know as essential hypertension. Strangely enough there is no part of the world that hypertension is completely absent, hypertension is a medical condition that tends to favour some people more than others, this is […]

Blood Pressure and Diabetes – Ayurvedic Natural Remedies for the Dreaded Duo

The risk of diabetic persons developing high blood pressure is two times higher. Left untreated, diabetes increases the right of heart diseases and stroke. When a person has diabetes and high blood pressure, the chances of heart failure increase by four times. It is therefore essential for diabetic patients find ways to control hypertension or […]