Vitamins and Foods For Heart Health; Grapes or Apple Cider?

People have lots of interesting questions about vitamins and foods for heart health. We have received questions about grapes and heart health, apple cider vinegar and heart health and many others. We thought that we could probably cover grapes and apple cider vinegar in this article and we will have more coming soon. It is […]

High Blood Pressure and Chiropractic

Raise your hand if you know someone taking drugs to lower their blood pressure. Well. That’s about 100%. We ALL know someone doing that. And, I guess we all know why. “Unresolved” chronic high blood pressure can supposedly cause stroke, congestive heart failure and kidney failure. In other words, modern Medicine must coerce people through […]

Effects of High Blood Pressure – What Are the Short and Long Term Effects of Hypertension?

The effects of high blood pressure are real and damaging. Little wonder then that doctors call this condition the “silent killer” as it is responsible for millions of deaths worldwide each year. In this article, I’ll show you exactly what effects hypertension has on the human body. The Vascular System And The Organs When the […]

Five Natural Things You Can Do to Lower Your High Blood Pressure

A few years ago I had a total cholesterol level of around 230 and I was 25 pounds overweight. My doctor told me that if I couldn’t get my cholesterol level down I had to go on medication. The reason was because it could eventually affect my blood pressure. This alarmed me because my father […]

About Hypertension Supplements

High blood pressure has been known to be treated with the use of hypertension supplements, often done with supervision of a professional medical practitioner. There are many causes to hypertension. Though none are necessarily distinctive, some situations have been connected to this condition. Some factors, such as, being overweight, lack of exercise, smoking, too much […]

Any Lab Test Now Offers Test for “Fake Weed” Detection

Any Lab Test Now Offers Test for “Fake Weed” Detection Atlanta, GA (Vocus) November 3, 2010 As if teenagers and young adults weren’t faced with enough peer pressure and challenges, along comes a substance that users report gives a high 4 times that of THC and is legal in many states. More disturbing is that […]

What Is a Normal Blood Pressure? Don’t Be Out Of That Range, Or Else

When blood pressure is measured we need to take into account 2 measurements. The first one is called Systolic Blood Pressure and the second one is Diastolic Blood Pressure. Systolic Blood Pressure is taken when the heart is pumping out blood, and Diastolic is taken between heartbeats, when the heart is resting. There is a […]

The High Blood Pressure Headache Connection – Truth or Lie?

There is a high blood pressure headache link right? Well, if you believe that then read on – you may be surprised. Generally, most people believe that one of the symptoms of high blood pressure is a persistent headache. However there have been a number of studies that contradict this. Hypertension is known as the […]