Is Bikram Yoga Safe For High Blood Pressure?

Bikram is said to have wonderful effects on people suffering from high blood pressure levels. It is believed to normalize the pressure of blood over time, which makes it an excellent alternative to medication. Caution should be used though by people suffering from hypertension when practicing hot yoga. Hot Yoga has been proven to be […]

Does Niacin Lower Cholesterol Better Then a Prescription Drug?

Natural health medicine or alternative medicine is known as safe and more human body friendly way to treat various illnesses and diseases. It has less or no side effects at all compared to its chemical counterparts and uses natural and non refined products for the treatment of various health problems. Natural means such as western […]

Caution on use of ACE inhibitors in First Trimester (Aug 06)

A recent study in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests that ACE inhibitors, which are widely used to treat hypertension, may be associated with an increased risk of major congenital malformations when used by women during the first trimester of pregnancy. The labeling for ACE inhibitors already states that these drugs can produce major […]