Four Hour Body – Fatigue Fighter – Metabolism Equalizer http Drew Canole and Brooks Hollan are adopting principles of the Four Hour Body and applying them to their normal nutrition and diet. Juicing is something Drew is a huge advocate of. The benefits of liquid vegetables with the slow carb diet are amazing. Tim talks about grapefruit juice and how it speeds up […]

High Blood Pressure Natural Remedies Part 1 Medicardium Causes of High Blood Pressure In most cases of high blood pressure, the American Heart Association says there is no one identifiable cause. This kind of high blood pressure is called primary hypertension or essential hypertension. It is usually a combination of factors, such as: * Weight. The greater your body mass, […]

Negative Oxygen Ions Lamp for air purification

The Negative Oxygen Ions Generating Lamp and the common energy-saving lamp are installed in the two transparent covers. Both covers are filled with smoke. The power is switched on and within 30 seconds the thick smoke in the Negative Oxygen Ions Generating Lamp cover will quickly disappear, while the smoke in the cover of the […]

John Schumacher Teaches Salamba Sirsasana I

This week marks the week of BKS Iyengar’s 90th birthday. In honor of this auspicious event, iHanuman humbly offers you asanas as taught in the Iyengar method by Senior Iyengar Yoga Teacher John Schumacher. John is among the students traveled to India this week to celebrate with Mr. Iyengar. iHanuman will post asanas every day […]

Yoga for Hypertension

Buy the DVD More info: http The ancient Indian art and science of Yoga has become popular as a therapeutic modality and is used as such by many in the modern world today. This presentation introduces various practices from the Gitananda Yoga tradition that can help in correcting health problems faced by […]

Is Your Body Getting All the Essential Nutrients It Needs?

According to recent medical studies, for the last forty years our food choices have been progressively discarding our body’s true nutritional needs. Our sedentary lifestyle keeps us from correctly feeding our body with the essential nutrients and vitamins, degrading our health and contributing to the development of medical problems that could be avoided. Such problems […]

Best Health Supplements To Improve Brain Function

What truly are the best health supplements to improve brain function? The most widely ingested “supplement” (drug) in the world, caffeine, is usually the choice of beverage for getting going in the morning. It definitely works for triggering the transmitters in the brain which increase alertness and jump start the body in general. For many, […]

Natural Treatments for Hypertension

Hypertension is a condition of increased blood pressure on blood vessels. It is considered as one of the most common lifestyle diseases and has affected around 50 million people in the United States. Hypertension, also called high blood pressure, is categorized into two types – essential hypertension and secondary hypertension – on the basis of […]