Exercise to Help High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure has the distinction of being known as a silent killer. This is because people suffering from hypertension show may not show any outward signs of this ailment. And, whether it’s poor diet, sedentary lifestyle, stress or just some sort of genetic hiccup, the average American’s blood pressure is shooting higher and higher […]

Hypertension Alternative – How an Alternative Treatment Can Normalize Blood Pressure

Thousands of high blood pressure sufferers are turning to a hypertension alternative and forgoing on medications. Part of this natural health fad is because side effects for synthetic medications are becoming more and more severe. Other patients are becoming more and more educated on an alternative treatment for high blood pressure. Fact! High blood pressure […]

The Benefits of Blood Pressure Monitoring

It is becoming increasingly apparent among healthcare professionals and researchers in the field of hypertension, that the traditional practice of relying on arbitrary blood pressure measurements obtained in the clinic or a doctor’s office setting, is not representative of one’s true pressure within the arteries and is not a reliable predictor of the risk of […]

What is Healthy Blood Pressure? The Answer May Surprise You

According to the medical establishment 120/80 represents healthy blood pressure. Of course nobody consistently has a blood pressure (BP) of 120/80. That would be like winning the lottery time after time. It’s simply not realistic. So what is healthy blood pressure in the real world? It’s a range that hovers around 120/80 but don’t get […]

Effects of High Blood Pressure – What Are the Short and Long Term Effects of Hypertension?

The effects of high blood pressure are real and damaging. Little wonder then that doctors call this condition the “silent killer” as it is responsible for millions of deaths worldwide each year. In this article, I’ll show you exactly what effects hypertension has on the human body. The Vascular System And The Organs When the […]

High Blood Pressure and Diabetes: What You Should Know

Fact: Two out of three diabetics suffer from high blood pressure. This is a condition that under no circumstances should be taken lightly, as the complications that it can bring are very serious. Along with your diabetes, you must keep your blood pressure levels under control. It is vital for your health. Let’s find out […]

Nitric Oxide – A Powerful Signaling Molecule

Nitric Oxide In 1998 the Nobel prize in physiology was jointly awarded to three scientists, Robert F. Furchgott, Louis J. Ignarro, and Ferid Murad, for their discovery of nitric oxide (NO) as a signaling molecule in the cardiovascular system. The importance of NO’s discovery can not be understated. What had been, prior to its discovery […]