Reverse Your High Blood Pressure To Normal

Hey, do you know that untreated high blood pressure can damage your cerebral tissues, which can cause you convulsions, ataxia or impaired speech among other terrible diseases? High blood pressure can also rapture tiny blood vessels and cause brain haemorrhage.

High blood pressure usually results from lifestyle: ingesting lots of cholesterol and carbohydrate through wrong diet, smoking, drinking and lack of adequate physical activity or exercise. If you are leading the above lifestyle, then you are a candidate for obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure.

Hereditary high blood pressure is due to unexplained thinning and narrowing of the blood vessels in some people as they age. Find out from your Doctor if you have this threat, so that you can control it with adequate exercise.

Poor or unguided nutrition and sedentary lifestyle lead to obesity that increases the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure and heart attack. And to think that all you have to do to achieve a good health is up your activity level through exercise.

Yes, the American Heart Association through the Pritikin Longevity Center’s 21 day exercise program for 11 obese and hypertension subjects has since proved that a controlled walking exercise of 40-60 minutes each day for 3 weeks is able to remove hypertension and restore blood pressure to normal. Seven of the subjects in the Pritikin program were previously diagnosed with systolic blood pressure of over 140 reading. Can you beat that? There blood pressure became normal after three weeks!

Because high blood pressure is engendered by, among other causes, clogged, narrowed blood vessels and poor circulation, occasioned by cholesterol deposits and inactivity; exercise can reverse your high blood pressure by affording you better blood circulation and weight loss, and also increase the activities of your natural anti oxidants in combating the activities of destructive free radicals.

Free radicals are renegade oxygen molecules that cause oxidative stress to both cells and tissues of your body. Free radicals can penetrate your cells and distort your DNA codes. Disease such as Alzheimer’s, cancer, stroke and myocardial infraction can be cause by free radicals.

Finally, eating right and exercising adequately will afford you a sickness free life and longevity; because you will be fit instead of obese, which is linked to coronary heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure and colon cancer, etc. So what are you going to do now, continue in your old way or go seek your Physician’s advice as to what level of exercise is right for you?

Neshah writes for your sound health. He recommends Natural Blood Pressure Cure for a sure cure of the silent killer blood pressure without harmful drugs. You will do well to email this article to your family, friends and colleagues. High blood pressure is a silent killer.

About Cure HBP

Natural treatment for hypertension, proven to work remedy, offers full 60 day course to start controlling your blood pressure with no drugs and medications