Reducing Blood Pressure Naturally – 3 Tips and 2 Surprises

Reducing blood pressure naturally is really a fairly simple thing to do. Even if you have been diagnosed with hypertension and are taking blood pressure medication you can still drop the points off your blood pressure reading by making some small changes. And the good news is you don’t have to become an avid health junky to do it. Every little bit that you can manage will help in lowering pressure.

Let’s start with the most difficult and work our way down.

Weight loss. Obesity is endemic in the United States. Chances are you are like most people and are carrying around extra pounds. If those pounds are mostly around your belly then you really should consider knocking off the weight before your condition becomes more serious. As a general rule, for every two pounds of fat you lose, you will lower your reading by 1 mm. The effect is greater with people with higher blood pressure.

Of course losing weight and maintaining that weight loss can be difficult. However, if you follow the suggestions regarding diet and exercise for controlling BP, then as a byproduct you will most certainly lose weight. Not only will you be giving your heart and vascular system a break, but the new thinner you will boost a sense of well being and self confidence which is half the battle.

Fish Oil. You can get Omega 3 and other benefits by eating cold water fish like salmon although this is getting more and more difficult to do. Many commercial food fish are now raised rather than caught in the wild and their nutritional value is not what it used to be thanks to the feed given to them during the farming process.

Supplements are available and daily 3 gram doses can reduce blood pressure readings by 4.4 mm systolic and 2.2 mm diastolic. Many people unfortunately, complain of belching, bad breath, a fishy taste and in some cases abdominal pain. If you can put up with that, fish oil can quickly knock off points.

Hydration. Dehydration becomes a bigger problem each year as we continue to live and work in structures that do not allow natural circulation. The dry air of inside living and work environments literally suck the moisture out of our bodies. Hydration plays an important role in many of the body’s systems but with blood pressure it’s vital for flushing salt and encouraging elasticity of the blood vessels. At a minimum drink half your body weight expressed in ounces each day. If you weigh 150 pounds you should drink 75 ounces or about 8 glasses of water daily.

Two Surprises

Smoking. Contrary to what would seem to be obvious, there is no direct link between nicotine and high blood pressure. Nicotine can cause a constriction of blood vessels which in turn increases pressure, but the effect is transient. Smoking can cause lung diseases and coronary disease but it can’t be blamed for HBP.

Caffeine. Another common misconception is that morning cup of joe is responsible for increasing blood pressure. Like nicotine, caffeine also can constrict blood vessels but it is also transient and is not responsible for long term high blood pressure. Enjoy your coffee or cola or chocolate.

There are so many other simple things that can be done to lower pressure naturally and almost all of them cost no more than what you pay today for groceries. This is one very serious disease that can be controlled with very small changes in the way you live. It’s time you take responsibility for your health. Your heart will thank you.

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Natural treatment for hypertension, proven to work remedy, offers full 60 day course to start controlling your blood pressure with no drugs and medications