Puppy Vitamins Are a Real Danger

As pet parents, we want the best for our dogs. We want them to grow up to be big and strong. But, what if they grow up to be too big, and not strong enough? That is the real danger of puppy vitamins, and recent research is pointing in that direction.

The research indicates that puppies that are on vitamin supplements are growing far too quickly. Their frames are growing at a quicker rate than their bodies can cope with. Their accelerated growth extends the bone structure of their body into unhealthy proportions that can lead to orthopedic problems such as angular bone deformities. Essentially the bones grow to be long, but they are not strong.

A balanced puppy food is all that is needed to support the good health and proper growth of a puppy. Anything else is in excess, and could potentially be dangerous. Not only because of the risk of supercharging your dogs growth, but for the risk of an acute toxicity. Some vitamins, minerals, and micronutrients are beneficial to the body in minute quantities; however, if there is overlap and excessive micronutrients due to vitamin supplementation, an animals health could be put in jeopardy.

It is also recommended that a puppy be taken off puppy food and be put on a high quality adult dog formula at approximately 6 months of age in order to curb accelerated growth. Do not worry, this will not stunt your dogs growth, it will just allow it to happen more gradually as nature intended it so that the animal’s body is not overstressed. Owners that have excessively hyper young dogs also have noted a decrease in hyperactivity as a result of switching to an adult formula diet due to the lower protein concentration. The correlation between hyperactivity and protein content has been acknowledged; however, the exact cause for this phenomena is not entirely known.

About The Author
Garett Flores is a pre-vet student and Cal Poly trained animal scientist employed as a veterinary assistant at a private small animal practice in Bakersfield, California. He has combined his love of animals and experience with computers to create a web page about animal husbandry and basic animal Pet Care for a variety of pets including but not limited to ferrets, lizards, snakes, turtles, rats, mice, and hamsters.He has recently launched a site all about man’s best friend, educating owners about specific Dog Breeds, their care, and how to select a companion that fits well within their lifestyle.

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