Portable Blood Pressure Monitor

Thousands of people in the United States suffer from high blood pressure, which can lead to various heart conditions, some severe if not watched closely on a daily basis. One of the best ways to keep an eye on a person’s pressure is by using a portable monitor. These monitors can help save a person’s life if their blood pressure creeps too low or skyrockets too high, causing the heart to race out of control. A monitor will watch both your systolic and diastolic pressure, which helps you understand how your daily happenings affect your blood.

There are six common portable monitor devices on the market today and they include an aneroid monitor, a digital blood pressure monitor, a finger blood pressure monitor, a pediatric pressure monitor, a wrist blood pressure and a pressure cuff. An aneroid pressure monitor is the most common type of monitor; this monitor is used in doctor’s offices all over the world. This type of monitor is considered portable because it is also found in mobile medical caravans as well. This monitor offers patients the most accurate readings on pressure today.

A digital monitor can be used as an arm cuff or a wrist cuff and is also known as an electronic blood pressure monitor. When using a digital monitor you should make sure it is wrapped correctly because the reading might not come out correctly. To be sure your blood pressure is accurate; take 2-3 readings with the same monitor. A finger blood monitor is not what you might think it is; this does not prick your finger to draw blood. In fact, you place the cuff on your finger and it inflates just like the monitor in a doctor’s office. These monitors are very lightweight and easy to transport. Even though this monitor uses the same technology as an arm monitor, it is not as effective.

A pediatric one has an LCD screen on it, like a child’s video game, which helps keep the children calm while their pressure is being monitored. This portable ones are used quite often because of the increase in obese children in the United States. A wrist portable monitor is used commonly by people who have a broken arm and cannot get an arm monitor on their body. The wrist cuffs also comes with an LCD and a carrying case, which makes this incredibly easy to transport from one location to another.

The final portable blood pressure monitor on the market today is the pressure monitor cuff. This monitor is used on the arm and can be placed on almost any other types. Make sure you purchase a cuff that will fit your arm. If you are a larger person, purchase a cuff that can fit your large arm. If you are a smaller person, do not purchase a cuff that will fall off your arm.

Nicole Roberts
LifeSavingMonitors.com offers high quality, affordable portable blood pressure monitor with smart technology.

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