Blood Pressure Medication – What You Should Know

If you have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, your doctor will more than likely try to lower that reading through non-medicinal methods first. Such methods will include changing your diet and adding exercise to your daily routine. However, if those methods do not work to lower your blood pressure, your doctor will probably prescribe […]

11 Steps to Diagnosing Hypertension

Hypertension can be properly diagnosed by carrying out detailed medical/laboratory investigations on the patient. The following the under-listed 12 steps can really be of great help in trying to establish whether or not an individual has hypertension: 1.Detailed health history of the patient should be obtained. Information such as the lifestyle, economic status and past […]

Natural Cures For High Blood Pressure – HBP, Hypertension

Have you noticed that every other person we know or meet either has high blood pressure or showing signs and symptoms of it? Displaying alarming statistics, high blood pressure sometimes referred as HBP and medically termed as hypertension has become so widespread that today it is believed that one in every five Americans already is […]

Understanding Diabetes And Glycemic Index (Medical Guide to)

Understanding Diabetes And Glycemic Index (Medical Guide to) Diabetes is closely related to your Glycemic Index, and in this book, “Understanding Diabetes And Glycemic Index,” you will learn more about the relationship between the two. This 75-page eBook is an amazing source book on diabetes, which every diabetic would like to possess. It teaches you […]

Nitric Oxide Impotence – You Can’t Get an Erection Without It – Boost Levels Naturally!

Nitric oxide and Impotence go hand in hand, because no man can ever get an erection without it but the good news is you don’t have to take man made drugs to boost levels, you can increase nitric oxide naturally and safely, with the herbs we will look at in this article. So why is […]

Nitric Oxide Supplements – Is It The Future Of Safe Supplements?

Nitric oxide, is is the new miracle supplement for bodybuilders or just another health gimmick? Everyone is interested in making the best results in the gym with the least amount of work. That is partly why the weight loss diet pill companies and all the commercial advertising is so successful. However most that have used […]

*Breathing Techniques* (Yoga, Meditation, Relaxation, Stress, Cancer, Blood Pressure) Kapalbhati http (blog) Acharya Shree Yogeesh conducts his first online video tutorial which covers a breathing technique called kapalbhati. He describes kapalbhati’s history, purpose, and benefits of this ancient yogic breathing technique, and teaches you how to do it. *tags* breathing for relaxation, breathing for meditation, breathing for yoga, breathing to heal cancer, breathing […]