Effects of High Blood Pressure – What Are the Short and Long Term Effects of Hypertension?

The effects of high blood pressure are real and damaging. Little wonder then that doctors call this condition the “silent killer” as it is responsible for millions of deaths worldwide each year. In this article, I’ll show you exactly what effects hypertension has on the human body. The Vascular System And The Organs When the […]

Homeopathic Health Secrets of Cayenne Pepper – Part 3

If you’ve read the two preceding articles entitled Homeopathic Health Secrets of Cayenne Pepper #2, to this one, then you already know some of the incredible uses of this humble yet stellar herb. Needless to say, the health benefits of cayenne pepper are numerous and varied. Let’s go through now some other uses of this […]

Cheap Diabetic Supplies And No Cost Alternatives

The condition of diabetes is most certainly a serious one that requires special care and attention. Those that must contend with diabetes realize they need to always be keenly aware of their blood sugar levels. If they do not maintain such awareness, an adverse reaction can occur. This is why access to diabetic testing supplies […]

B Vitamins Play an Essential Role in Metabolism

B vitamins were once thought of as a single vitamin called Vitamin B.?After much research, we discovered there are actually 8 distinct vitamins.?Further research has also concluded that B vitamins are water soluble, which means that they are easily excreted out of the body and therefore must be consistently consumed through?our diet.?B Vitamins have often […]

Five Natural Things You Can Do to Lower Your High Blood Pressure

A few years ago I had a total cholesterol level of around 230 and I was 25 pounds overweight. My doctor told me that if I couldn’t get my cholesterol level down I had to go on medication. The reason was because it could eventually affect my blood pressure. This alarmed me because my father […]

Hypertension – How is it Classified?

Hypertension is classified into Primary and Secondary; systolic or diastolic, and true systemic. 1. Systolic hypertension: This is common among the elderly especially where there are other disease conditions. The systolic blood pressure is persistently raised above 160mmHg. 2. Diastolic hypertension:In this case the diastolic blood pressure is elevated and sustained, and is severe in […]

About Hypertension Supplements

High blood pressure has been known to be treated with the use of hypertension supplements, often done with supervision of a professional medical practitioner. There are many causes to hypertension. Though none are necessarily distinctive, some situations have been connected to this condition. Some factors, such as, being overweight, lack of exercise, smoking, too much […]

How to Get Lean Muscle – 3 Foods Vegetarians Can Eat to Build Lean Muscle

It seems impossible for to lead a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle and have a nice, fit, muscular body, let alone build muscle. There are plenty of vegan and vegetarian body builders and weight lifters in the world. They have taken the trouble to go out into the world to get themselves informed about how to […]