The National High Blood Pressure Education Program is an association that consist of professional, public, voluntary and federal agencies. This association has established guidelines with regards with the type of common blood pressure medication to be used to control your high blood pressure. There a huge number of drugs available that are used as common […]
Vitamins for Hair Loss
Vitamins for hair loss are becoming a big thing these days. They are formulated basically to help you to compensate the ignored potion of these vital vitamins in natural form. Some of the most important vitamins for hair loss are the B vitamins. Probably one of the most common and well known supplements are the […]
High Blood Pressure
High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is measured in numbers based on the systolic and diastolic pressures of the blood. Systolic pressure measures the force in the arteries when the heart beats, while the diastolic pressure measures this force when the heart is at rest or relaxed. These measurements are shown in sequence from […]
Vitamins and Minerals For Healthy Hair
There are many things that can destroy and damage the hair bond and protein balance – sun, hair color treatments, highlights, excessive styling, relaxers, and general lack of nutrition and amino acids are several factors that destroy the natural balance and condition of our hair. Proper hair care requires not only careful styling and design, […]
C’est au Programme, Le high-tech au service de votre santé !
Présentation de RESPERATE : une nouvelle façon de traiter l’hypertension artérielle ! Très innovant, le RESPERATE permet l’apprentissage de la détente et aide à abaisser la tension artérielle par de simples exercices de respiration. Gr-ce à une ceinture sensorielle sous la poitrine, l’appareil enregistre la respiration. Un casque permet d’écouter une mélodie permettant de synchroniser […]
Vitamin B Rich Foods
The subject of Vitamin B can be quite confusing as there is so many of them. Most of them tend to do the same job within the confines of the body, although there are some subtle differences between each one. As with a lot of vitamins the stomach or the intestine takes out what it […]
missing children
missing Children. follow me on and subscribe to Greetings viewers..I have returned to answer the question, “sumtruth, what is it that annoys you the most that goes on in this world?” Well, I must say to even prepare a lecture on answering this question raised my blood pressure level to an all […]
Vitamins For A Fatty Liver Disease Diet – The Controversy
Vitamins for a fatty liver disease diet have been a topic of debate when it comes to the best way to reduce fat in your liver. Some vitamins and minerals are great for the liver in certain quantities, but can be extremely harmful in excess. Others can be beneficial and liver friendly, but they can […]
What in the World Are They Spraying? • November 15th, 2010
The Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Coverup: By now everyone has seen crisscrossing streaks of white clouds trailing behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, eventually turning the sky into a murky haze. Our innate intelligence tells us these are not mere vapor trails from jet engines, but no one yet has probed the questions: WHO is doing […]
Are There Really Vitamins For Hair Loss?
While there are vitamins you can take for healthy hair and to help prevent hair loss, the downside of this is that taking excessive amounts of vitamins can actually lead to hair loss. Some of the most important vitamins for hair loss are the B vitamins because they contain: ? Folic acid ? Magnesium ? […]
Food Containing Omega 3 Oils: How To Increase The Intake Of Food Containing Omega 3 Oils
We usually ignore fatty and oily foods in our diet because of the fact that they contain too much saturated fat bad for our health. However, we must not ignore the importance of omega 3 fatty acids because they are not only essential for proper growth and development of body cells, but are also helpful […]
Casio BP-100 blood pressure monitor watch
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Benefits of the Lemon Cayenne Pepper Detox Drink
A Lemonade drink with cayenne pepper in it is a common Detox drink, which encourages elimination. In many Detox diets, this drink is recommended for the morning. This Lemon drink is called “The Master Cleanser” when used during a fast. Although there are different variations on this drink throughout different Detox diets, the pepper is […]