The macrominerals are the seven main minerals that your body needs to function properly. They support your body with a wide range of functions including maintaining fluid balance, promoting metabolism and regulating blood pressure. In this article I will be covering each of the seven in more detail. 1) CALCIUM Calcium was discovered by Sir […]
Statins Destroy CoQ10
Coenzyme Q10, also known as ubiquinone, is a critical enzyme found in every cell of our bodies. It serves as a catalyst for several key steps in the production of cellular energy, and in particular, plays an important role in cellular ATP production. As would be expected, CoQ10 is highly concentrated in nerve cells and […]
Malpractice Medical Stent Implantation Coronary Angioplasty Surgery 3 Medical Malpractice and Patient Education Company Patient ED @ 617-379-1582 INFO Then the doctor will make a small cut over the femoral artery in the upper part of the leg. A special needle is then inserted into the artery itself. Then a guide wire is carefully passed through the needle and gently pushed into […]
When Do the Kidneys Affect High Blood Pressure?
Kidneys affect high blood pressure due to certain imbalances while in the process of cleansing our body of about 50 gallons of fluid daily. Any imbalance will cause the filtering units of the kidneys called nephrons, to exert more effort than what is normally required. The nephrons will also reabsorb the filtered sodium and water […]
Vitamins And Minerals For Your Bones And Teeth
Did you know that a lot of the body’s calcium is stored inside bones? As much as 90 percent of calcium is stored inside your bones. Other than calcium, phosphorus is the next most abundant mineral in our bodies. But these 2 minerals need and depend on vitamin D to move or transport them (calcium […]
Liquid Minerals – Can They Help You Achieve Optimal Wellbeing & Avoid Chronic Degenerative Diseases?
I have found that Liquid Minerals have made a big difference for many people but first let me give you a little background. While going through medical school I had what I would call a series of ‘awakenings’. Following these I left medicine in 1979 to explore the idea that health was basically an inside […]
CoQ10 Best Brands – 4 Tips on How to Find the Best Natural Supplement For Your Health
When you have decided that it is time to put yourself on a healthy diet and workout schedule it might also be time to find a multivitamin. Multivitamins contain natural ingredients that have been researched and proven to affect the body in many positive ways. For example, those who are looking to keep watch over […]
Vitamins – An Overview of How They Help Our Bodies Perform Their Critical Functions
There is a large variety of vitamins available which can help you to stay healthy. These vitamins as well as other very important minerals are also known as micronutrients. Your body requires a steady influx of these nutrients so that your cells are able to carry out all of the biochemical reactions that are required […]
Your Cayenne Pepper Diet
Do Not Fear Flavor; Cayenne Cleanses, Heals, and Strengthens As you make the transition from detox fasting to healthy detox dieting, invest in the industrial size container of cayenne pepper. As you grow accustomed to the burn, then the numbness, and then the return of normal feeling to your tongue and all the way down […]
Pack On Lean Muscle Now With A Great – Tasting Protein Shake Recipe
Packing on lean muscle can be a difficult chore without the right diet. Lucky for you, there are some great protein shake recipes out there that enable you to use standard whey protein to get cut and build muscle at the same time. Protein shakes are essential part of any lean muscle building diet. I […]
Warning Signs of Heart Disease & Heart Attack / Educational Video
Preventing Heart Disease and Heart Attack Educational Video. US Department of Health and Human Services National Institutes of Health; National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute; Act in Time to Heart Attack Signs; Item #56-042N, September 2001; The dramatic, moving stories of three heart attack survivors and their families illustrate the importance of heeding heart attack […]
How Minerals are Essential to Building Maximum Health
Minerals are the foundational building blocks of all forms of matter and life. Discover the role that minerals and mineral-rich superfoods play in building high levels of physical health! Did you know that most of America’s agricultural land was documented to be depleted of the majority of essential minerals and nutrients as early as the […]
Do You Know Causes of Hypertension?
The sustained elevation in your blood pressure can be caused by many factors these factors will be discussed in pharmacy online. These causes c may be, psychological or environmental factors. According to the factors that cause elevation in blood pressures, hypertension may be of the following types. ESSENTIAL HYPERTENSION Most of the hypertensive population seems […]