Barefoot Running And Blisters 6 Things You Can Do The good news is, most of the blisters you get with shoes will not happen when you are barefoot running. The reason for this is, most shoe-running blisters occur where the shoe is rubbing on your foot, and that simply can’t happen with barefoot running! The bad news is, you will still get blisters […]

Preventing Diabetes With Low Glycemic Index Foods

Diabetes can be one of the consequences of overindulgence and bad eating habits. These bad food choices creates an environment in which this disease can develop and progress. Unless better eating habits are formed, diabetes, as well as other diseases, could be part of your future. However, there is a simple practice that you can […]

Hypertension – How Dangerous Are the Complications?

The complications of hypertension are so dangerous that a lot has to be done to get them prevented. There are a few complications that gradually set in when one is hypertensive and with time they affect several organs of the body thereby posing a serious health threat to the sufferer. Some of these known complications […]

Magical Herbs That Cure Diabetes – Must For Every Diabetic

Diabetes is characterized by an unusually elevated stage of blood glucose and by the excretion of the surplus glucose in the urine. It results from a comparative lack of the insulin which leads to abnormalities in carbohydrate metabolism as well as in the metabolism of protein and fat. What is the reason behind this? Most […]

Top Tips For Orlando Landscaping

Gardeners and homeowners living in Orlando, Florida are lucky. The warm, humid climate allows for a beautiful landscape, year round. Homeowners and business owners can capitalize on the wonderful climate by planting landscapes that shine all of the time. Follow these top tips about the best plants for Orlando, proper maintenance for Orlando landscaping and […]

Hypertension Alternative – How an Alternative Treatment Can Normalize Blood Pressure

Thousands of high blood pressure sufferers are turning to a hypertension alternative and forgoing on medications. Part of this natural health fad is because side effects for synthetic medications are becoming more and more severe. Other patients are becoming more and more educated on an alternative treatment for high blood pressure. Fact! High blood pressure […]