Can Nitrates Help Control High Blood Pressure?

Just as CoQ10 appears to be beneficial in reducing blood pressure levels, nitrates, another alternative natural remedy, also appear to have a positive affect on reducing hypertension. What are nitrates? Nitrate is a salt of nitric acid, and is an essential plant nutrient found in soil that is taken in by plants and used as […]

Natural Heart Remedies That Combat Hypertension

There are many myths and misconceptions surrounding natural heart remedies that combat high blood pressure. If you are at the risk of developing this condition (ex. Family history of hypertension) then it’s essential that you educate yourself about your options, especially those holistic alternatives that are often dismissed or overlooked. It’s high time that you […]

Prevent Hypertension – Three Foods You Need to Include in Your Diet

This article will present three important tips you need to consider on your diet to reduce your risk of developing hypertension. Here are the three must-haves in your anti-hypertension diet: garlic, fish, and magnesium-rich snacks like almonds and pumpkin seeds. Garlic Eating a clove or two of garlic each day is one of the easiest […]

When Looking For Lean Meat, Turn to Turkey Meat, and How to Incorporate it Into Your Healthy Diet

This is an article of the turkey meat and the health benefits of it being a source of lean meat and how it makes a healthy diet. This gives you reasons to eat turkey all year round, not only on Thanksgiving Day. This is especially good for people who have busy lives working, it’s a […]

Vitamins and the Immune System – Discover Natural Ways to Build Immunities

Vitamins and the immune system are connected together in many different ways. The immune system is a complex means of defense within your body. Its goal is to stave off harmful infections, germs, bacteria and viruses. It even attacks your own cells if there is something perceived to be wrong with them. So just how […]

What You Need to Know About Lowering High Blood Pressure

Transient elevations in systolic blood pressure occur as normal adaptations during fever, physical exertion, and emotional upset, such as during anger and fear. Persistent hypertension, or high blood pressure, is common in obese people because the total length of their blood vessels is relatively greater than that in thinner individuals. Although hypertension is usually asymptomatic […]