Kangen Water and increasing your greens, vegetables and fruits shown to help with constipation, breast cancer, prostate cancer, heart disease, small intestine krones disease, radiation colitis, hypertension, obesity, and diabetes…very graphic…www.KangenBasics.com.
Second-hand smoke elevates children’s blood pressure
Second-hand smoke elevates children’s blood pressure Study’s findings add to growing evidence that cigarette smoke can cause serious health issues for young Read more on The Globe and Mail
The Best Nitric Oxide Supplement
This article is dedicated to the best NO supplement. The best nitric-oxide supplement (NO) boosts muscle growth, shortens recovery time and enhances erections. This article is dedicated to Xtreme NO. Inside you will know everything about a nitric-oxide erection and any nitric-oxide side effects you need to know about. My name is David and I’m […]
Does Coq10 Help You Age Better?
Can CoQ10 really help you age better? Can it really help you grow old gracefully? Coenzyme Q10 or in shorter form CoQ10, is one of the most talked about substance now in the skincare industry. Its role is to destroy free radicals and kill those cells that are causing signs of aging skin. Do you […]
Understanding PH DVD-Lori and Madison Heaton
At PHA’s 2004 International Conference in Miami, FL, patients and doctors shared the journeys that they’ve taken together since being diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension. In this “Our Journeys” piece, Lori Heaton tells the story of her daughter, Madison, who was 11 years old during the 2004 Conference. This clip appears clip is an introduction to […]
High Blood Pressure – Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic Cardiovascular Clinical Nurse Specialist Kathy Zarling explains high blood pressure, the associated risks, and how you can control your own risk factors. Kathy will be part of a community blood pressure screening event at the Mall of America on Saturday, Feb. 27 from noon-3 pm in Macys Court.
Miracle Baby Fen’s Life is Unwritten…his NICU Story
This is the thank-you video Kristin made for Cook Childrens Hospital for helping to save Baby Fen’s Life back in November 2006. Baby Fen aspirated meconium and blood during birth and also contracted eColi and strep-pneumo bacteria, which poisoned his blood, tissues, and organs and also caused many additional complications with his heart, lungs, and […]
Are You Tired of Your Blood Pressure Medicine?
www.iHealthTube.com Robert Kowalski on why many blood pressure patients stop taking their prescription medications. He says some feel the risks of heart disease outweigh the side effects of prescription drugs. More on www.ihealthtube.com
Alcohol and Hypertension
There is now proven clinical evidence that one of the major contributors to hypertension is the consistent excess consumption of alcohol. Basically, if you drink large amounts of alcohol regularly, it’s going to make any of the other treatments you’re doing far less effective. Although there are many different drugs your doctor can prescribe to […]
Vitamins For Your Kidney
Vitamins are so significant to the whole metabolic functions of the body. Vitamins participate in controlling the body’s aptitude to burn fat and sugar for energy, and form proteins for growth. If vitamins are inadequate, these reactions are not appropriately harmonized, along with can lead to skin lesions, muscle weakness, fatigue and nerve pain. These […]
Natural Ways to Lower High Blood Pressure – Important Herbs and Supplements to Cure Hypertension
Vitamins and herbs are great at lowering your blood pressure. Natural treatments are much safer and healthier at curing the cause of hypertension. There are way too may dangerous side affects from hypertension drugs that makes this type of treatment very harmful. In this article I am going to give you natural ways you can […]
REH HERBAL gains more positive feedback/testimonies from its users from all walk of life….. Your complete protection and cure! Reh Herbal contains complete and balanced Vitamins, Minerals and Phytochemicals the protective disease preventing compound that have the potential and is proven to cure such disease and ailments like Cancer, Diabetes, Hypertension, Cyst/Tumor, Heart and Kidney […]
Mineral Water Benefits
The one thing that almost no one knows about the way that mineral water benefits us is that it’s really, really good for us. Packaged drinking water contains different kinds of gases, minerals and trace elements. The mineral content gives the water a taste along with a therapeutic value. In cases when gas is removed […]