"Magic Herb" From India Helps Type 2 Diabetics Lose Weight

For thousands of years, a yellowish “magic herb” found in Southern India has been used to suppress hunger and stay lean. Now, Type 2 diabetics are finding that it works well to lose fatty diabetic weight, lower cholesterol and normalize blood pressure. Called garcinia cambogia, its dried rind has been known, through the centuries, to […]

Nutritional Wonders – The Omega 3 Oils Danger Factor

Alright so the title sounds a little intimidating and scary maybe even however, don’t let that chase you off from using omega 3 oils because when armed with the right amount of knowledge, the omega 3 oils danger factor is all but eliminated and you can still enjoy all the benefits that come along with […]

High Blood Pressure Medicine – Did Your Doctor Tell You All the Risks?

Most Americans who have been diagnosed with high blood pressure have been prescribed one or more of the high blood pressure medication types to correct their condition. Each category of drugs can lower blood pressure but may create new, equally serious medical conditions in the process. Make sure you fully understand the risks. If your […]

Lemon Cayenne Pepper Maple Syrup Diet – The Diet Solution Program

Lemon cayenne pepper maple syrup diet also called the lemonade cleansing diet has been the talk of health conscious people who not only wish to cleanse and detoxify their bodies but also to lose weight. Its ability to give you a healthier body and mind is just part of it, what’s also good about this […]