Curb your high blood pressure sodium intake – put down that salt shaker! That’s the advice given by every health professional there is. It’s good advice too, but only as good as the person who follows it. Sodium is a funny thing. It’s an essential mineral, meaning you can’t live without it, but too much […]
Ping-Pong Medical Students
The true definition of “White Coat Hypertension.” Video Rating: 5 / 5
Some Useful Vitamins that Lower Blood Sugar
Certain vitamins and minerals have been found beneficial in lowering blood sugar and thus useful in the treatment of diabetes. Vitamin B complex – Vitamins of the B group are valuable in the treatment of diabetes. Despite and adequate intake of these vitamins, diabetics often have abnormally small amounts of vitamin B in their blood […]
?English Sub? High Blood Pressure Girl ?Fandub (?? Lon)?
From Nico Nico Douga Original Title ?????? ??? The theme of this song is Len’s love for Hakata-san. *Hakata no shio* = Hakata Salt It’s a very famous item in Japan. *Hashitanai* = Shameless *Hora ne* I can’t translate it under only those words. It can be interpreted in two ways. That didn’t matter. or […]
Alcohol Every Day Keeps the Doctor Away Robert Kowalski shares the benefits of drinking a single glass of alcohol daily to lowering blood pressure. More information at http *Rate – Comment – Subscribe* Video Rating: 4 / 5
Learn More in Preventing Hypertension
Hypertension is the name given to the disease in which a person suffers from chronically elevated blood pressure. It calls for a lot of care, when it comes to diet. If you want to be treated than you would have to discipline yourself, and follow the diet plan properly. Many things should be considered while […]
Vitamins – Tips To Help You Stay Healthy
Maintaining your health is the easiest way to protect yourself against terminal illnesses and health costs, such as medical bills or money lost to sick days away from work. Many people tend forget this simple notion and deal with illnesses in a reactive, rather than proactive way. So for all those people that are interested […]
Eating For Blood Sugar Control – The Best Health Tip Ever
If you eat in a way that causes you to have a high?blood-insulin level?throughout the day, you put yourself?at risk for most of what many doctors call the “deadly diseases of civilization”. Insulin resistance, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, type two diabetes, heart disease and many of the worst forms or cancer are all DIRECTLY […]
Foods That Lower Blood Pressure
The various causes that may lead to blood pressure also include the type of food you intake. It is therefore very important to include foods that lower blood pressure in your diet. All that you need to do is to eat simply. You do not need to go for some special natural foods to […]
Minerals For Diabetes – Minerals That Lower Blood Glucose
Vitamins and mineral are essential for the proper functioning of the body organs. There are certain vitamins and minerals that are found beneficial in lowering blood glucose and thus useful in the treatment of diabetes. Minerals that are found beneficial in the treatment of diabetes are as below – Chromium – Chromium has been found […]
Purchase of Diabetes Supplies
Medical Health care (Medicare) nowadays covers test strips, lancets and blood sugar monitors for all enrollees with diabetes but there are limits to these test supplies in a month. We have listed the current limits, but you should ask a pharmacy or Durable Medical Equipment Regional Carrier that is enrolled in the Medicare program for […]
Primary Pulmonary Hypertension Video
Video Rating: 4 / 5
High Blood Pressure Diet – Foods That Affect Your BP!
Best Foods in High Blood Pressure Diet If you are reading this article either you or someone you care about has been diagnosed with hypertension and you want to find out the best foods to be on. The great news is that hypertension can be cured and this article will show you what diet you […]