Nitric Oxide Supplements Review – Do They Live Up to the Hype?

Nitric Oxide (NO) is one of the most studied molecules in medical history and it was the focus of the 1998 Nobel Prize in medicine. It is composed of one part nitrogen and one part oxygen and it plays an important role in repairing, maintaining, and defending our cells while also aiding in intracellular communication. […]

Health & Fitness : Breathing Exercises to Lower Blood Pressure

Breathing exercises can be a very important part of lowering blood pressure, and seated breathing exercises should include the use of loose clothes. Learn to push the diaphragm out to lower blood pressure with help from a professional bodybuilder in this free video on health and fitness.

“What in the World are They Spraying” Official Trailer 1

What in the World are They Spraying Trailer 1 To order WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE THEY SPRAYING: World Premiere of Film in Atlanta on October 23rd The Chemtrail/Geo-Engineering Coverup Revealed. By now everyone has seen crisscrossing streaks of white clouds trailing behind jet aircraft, stretching from horizon to horizon, eventually turning the […]

Water Drinking and Hypertension – The Linkage

It is significant to know that water drinking and hypertension has a linkage. Drinking plenty of water can give us benefit to control blood pressure. Living with hypertension or high blood pressure is the most terrifying condition. Ironically, there is no cure for hypertension. Though, since hypertension and water are linked, you still can live […]

Cayenne Pepper Powder – A Red Hot Item That Must Be in Your First Aid Kit

When you think of a place at home where the cayenne pepper powder is, you may immediately associate it with the kitchen or dining room instead of the medicine cabinet in the bathroom. This is understandably because this red hot powder is widely known and used to spice up food. However, in some societies, particularly […]

Pulmonary Hypertension Essentials

View this Lecture for FREE by signing up at Viewany number of our other 28000 sessions from over 280 conferences by going to Speaker(s) Jean Elwing, MD Pulmonary Hypertension Essentials – American Nephrology Nurses Association Fall Meeting 2008 The purpose of ANNA’s Fall Meeting is to provide nurses in all roles within nephrology […]

How to Control Hypertension – Hypnotherapy to Reduce Blood Pressure

If you have blood pressure problems then you may need to take action to help control hypertension. Hypertension, when left unchecked can lead to all sorts of health care problems. You need to get the support it will take to get your blood pressure under control quickly. The good news is that there is more […]