B Vitamins Depression Treatment – Facts about B Vitamins Depression

What are B vitamins? B vitamins can be described as a group of 8 vitamins and are water soluble. They are important in cell metabolism. Each of them is unique and often found in groups in foods. In a supplement form they are called Vitamin B Complex. Individually, they are referred to by name – […]

Metabolism Foods – 10 Reasons Why Cayenne Pepper Can Help You Lose Weight in 30 Days

Numerous studies have shown that cayenne pepper is very effective in helping a person lose weight. It has many effects that aid in the weight loss process and also has other health benefits. This is the reason why the cayenne pepper diet has been popular for a couple of years now. It is absolutely one […]

High Blood Pressure Cured with Secret Nutrition Plan

High Blood Pressure Cured with Secret Nutrition Plan Article by Joe Barton High Blood Pressure cured with a secret diet? After watching the recent show, Biggest Loser, it was amazing how many people can cure diseases when they eat healthy and exercise. In fact, one of the contestants on the show was able to cure […]

Alternative Medicine Uses of Capsicum Or Cayenne Pepper As an Herbal Remedy

Let us rediscover another herb, Capsicum, found in cayenne pepper used as an ingredient in medicines for external application and internal consumption. According to some reports, cayenne originated in India and China either in the 14th century or 15th century. It made its way to Europe around the 16th century. When taken internally, capsicum is […]

Self massage stress anxieties hypertension tension headaches

selfstressmassage.com From watching this clip you will learn the importance of manage stress related anxiety tension headaches hypertension clinical depression diabetes type 2, wait gaining weight-loss sleep disorders, muscular pains, stomach pains, accumulation of toxins eating disorder and more. all mention above are stress related illnesses. Video Rating: 0 / 5

CoQ10 Benefits – Have More Energy, Protection & Well – Being With Coenzyme Q10 Supplementation

No doubt you have heard of and know a little bit about coenzyme Q10. What you probably don’t know is Coq10 benefits most of your bodily functions, and is one of the most important substances your body and skin needs to keep healthy. Coenzyme Q10 is one of the most popular dietary supplements in the […]

Vitamins and Health Supplements

The addition of vitamins and health supplements into your daily diet regimen is smart… VERY smart, especially taking into consideration the fact that most of us eat a diet consisting primarily of cooked, processed, dead food. Burgers, fries, hot dogs, pizza, double beef burritos, etc., combined with our addiction to soda, chips, candy, alcohol, and […]

Natural Cure For Diabetes – And Free Diabetic Supplies

Dr Fedon Lindberg, a Norwegian endocrinologist, who has treated more than 18,000 diabetic patients in his four clinics in his home country, is one of the leading proponents of new dietary approach in treating diabetics, has this to say – “My experience with type 2 diabetic patients is that a balanced low-glycaemic diet coupled with […]

Hypertension Pathophysiology – Understanding the Mechanisms of High Blood Pressure Formation

Hypertension is a systemic disease. This means that high blood pressure affects many organs and systems in the body and?not just the cardiovascular system. Usually function follows form and as such, when ever there is an abnormal biochemical or biophysical derangement, the physiology of the body changes from normal to diseased condition. Pathophysiology is the […]

Blood Pressure Diet – Eating for Better Health

A blood pressure diet plan is not significantly different from any other good, healthy diet plan. A diet that is good for your blood pressure will also be good for your blood sugar, cholesterol and triglycerides. Certainly eating well usually results in feeling well. So, without further ado, let’s go eat for great health. Any […]