Foods and Nutrients That Are Essential to Your Muscles

Protein- Protein is the main ingredient in a muscle building diet; the body breaks the protein down into amino acids, which is the main nutrient for building and repairing muscles. Foods that are rich in protein are fish, red meats, egg whites and dairy products. Protein shakes are a body builder’s main source for getting […]

Blood Pressure: Herbal Medicine, Homeopathy and Acupuncture

The temptation with herbal medicines is to think that because they are natural substances they must therefore be safe. It is easy to forget that plants can do harm. Some herbal remedies may raise blood pressure or may interfere with the effect of conventional drugs. Liquorice and other herbal remedies used as diuretics promote sodium […]

Reduce Hypertension With Proven Herbal Remedies

Hypertension is the other name for high blood pressure. Hypertension, in other words, indicates the tension or pressure exerted by blood in the arteries. When our heart pumps, oxygenated blood is made to rush through the blood vessels called arteries in to the various organs and tissues of our body. The normal pressure of blood […]

Motivation Through Measurement – The Hawthorne Effect

Apparently over 25% of ‘motivation’ agencies don’t even offer performance measurement services. This indicates that companies need to be wary of ‘widget sellers’ who pretend to be motivation specialists in a market often more interested in selling the end reward, than the tools to control how performance and reward costs are managed. Massive increases in […]

The Dangers of High Blood Pressure and How You Can Avoid Them

High blood pressure (HBP), or hypertension as it is also known, is a condition whereby the subject exhibits persistently elevated blood pressure level above the normal 120/80 mm Hg. High blood pressure is always alarming, especially if we will consider the perils that are possible during the period of elevated measurement. An episode of hypertension […]

How to lose abdominal fat | How to lose stomach fat How To Lose Abdominal Fat “Middle Age Spread” is the term used to describe deposits of fat that begin to appear about our middles as we reach middle age. There are direct links between abdominal fat and Type 2 Diabetes, heart disease, hypertension, some forms of cancer and a variety of organ problems. There […]