Recovering a better state of health and purified body is within the reach of a 10-day cleanse like the Cayenne Pepper Diet. Magazine and websites focus on fitness and diets, but what about our well-being? We have to focus on well being to actually make it happen for ourselves. The Cayenne Pepper Diet can help […]
CU-3000 Videophone HealthCare Application Demo
The CU-3000 from Globalinx can be used for medical purposes. Check out this awesome blood pressure monitoring demonstration.
Why Omega 3 Fish Oils Make the Best Brain Function Supplements
You may be familiar with the benefits of omega 3 fish oils for helping to keep your heart healthy and lower high blood pressure and cholesterol. What they are excellent for too is maintaining proper brain health and mental well-being, as long as you select with care. It is the main omega 3 fatty acid […]
The Benefits of Hawthorn Berry
The hawthorn berry has been recognized as a prime source for advantageous nutrition since the 19th century. Hawthorn berries are native to the Mediterranean region and have been most popular in Europe. Hawthorn extract is commonly used as aroma therapy and is known for its benefits on the circulatory system. Primarily hawthorn berries and hawthorn […]
High Blood Pressure Natural Remedies – Get Them In Your Kitchen
You will be surprise at how many of the food we normally eat are high blood pressure natural remedies. They can be found in your kitchen! Website: Video Rating: 4 / 5
The Honest Truth About the Cayenne Pepper Diet
The Cayenne Pepper diet has different names, like the lemonade diet, master cleanses diet or maple syrup diet. It was a real help for many persons who wanted a good diet to regain a healthier body, to lose weight and definitely improve their mood in just ten days. The main principles of this diet are […]
Healthy Blood Pressure- Lower Cholesterol Naturally
Healthy Blood Pressure- Lower Cholesterol Naturally It is to be noted that ways to lower cholesterol naturally can give a healthy blood pressure to an individual. By having low cholesterol and healthy blood pressure, serious bodily damages can be prevented. Thus, heart diseases can also be prevented. It is necessary to monitor not only the […]
A New Blood Pressure Breakthrough
High blood pressure is a serious condition that can be the precursor to cardiovascular problems such as heart attack or stroke. Despite the potential dangers of untreated hypertension, high blood pressure can be effectively controlled with drugs like Coversyl, that fall into the category of ACE inhibitors. Your body produces a compound known as an […]
Regular Excercise Is A Natural Cure For High Blood Pressure Or Hypertension
If you suffer from hypertension, you need to be aware of a lot of different parameters in everyday life. And if you follow a few simple rules of living, you will have an easier time keeping your high blood pressure under control. Generally you will want to have an active lifestyle, even a lifestyle that […]
Lower Diastolic Blood Pressure Quickly And Safely
Lower Diastolic Blood Pressure Quickly And Safely Is your diastolic blood pressure reading greater than 80 mm HMG? If it is between 81 and 99 you are pre-hypertensive. If your reading is greater than 100 then you have hypertension. In either case, you need to lower your diastolic reading back to normal to avoid possible […]
Best Nitric Oxide Product
When you are looking for the best nitric oxide product online you need to take multiple things into mind. First you need to make sure that the best oxide product is actually the best. The best nitric product you will find needs to be completely pure. You don’t want any artificial ingredients involved because it […]
Mystery Diagnosis – Pulmonary Hypertension pt 1 of 4
Pulmonary Hypertension patient, Kirsten Larson’s “Mystery Diagnosis” episode from Discovery Health Channel. “The Girl Nobody Believed” See her pediatric journey with PH. Part 1 of 4. Video Rating: 0 / 5
Traumatic Brain Injury – ESPN Outside the Lines
Traumatic Brain Injury is now being recognized as a causative factor for accelerated hormonal deficiencies. This can cause Psychological, Physiological, and Physical manifestations like; depression, anxiety, mood swings, memory loss, inability to concentrate, learning disabilities, sleep deprivation, increased risk for heart attacks, strokes, high blood pressure, diabetes, loss of libido, menstrual irregularities, pre-mature menopause, obesity, […]