What is Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome? Part One

Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome is a form of Dysautonomia. It is a life altering condition that results in a variety of symptoms; the most common being low blood pressure (orthostatic intolerance) and a high heart rate. To find out more, watch the video! I did my best to include as much information as possible – […]

Natural Blood Pressure Remedies – Take Prescriptions? MUST Read!

Did you know that natural blood pressure remedies work well to alleviate hypertension, even if you have had it for years? Prescription drugs are not only synthetic, they also steal essential nutrients from your body – not to mention the high price you have to pay for some medications. Why do doctors so easily give […]

Lemon Cayenne Pepper Maple Syrup Diet – Strip That Fat

A lot of health conscious people are probably asking the true effectiveness of the lemon cayenne pepper maple syrup diet. It may not sound too hard to do nor too easy at one point but one thing you have to keep in mind is your determination to strip that fat and regain your body’s natural […]

Herbal Tea For Hypertension

Ingredients- dried herbs: Hawthorne Berries ……………………………….. 2 gram Yarrow …………………………………………… 2grams Valerian Root……………………………………. 1grams Materials: Coffee grinder Soft water, distilled water or rain water Metric scale Infusion mug- glass, earthenware or porcelain. Method of Preparation and Dosage: This method of hot infusion will provide a single dose (1 cup) of hot herbal tea. Measure out […]

Lemon Cayenne Pepper Detox Drink

The Lemon Cayenne Pepper Detox Drink is also known as the Master Cleanse, the lemonade diet, or the Beyonce Knowles diet.? This detoxification drink has some amazing benefits such as weight loss, improving skin complexion, and increasing energy.? This drink is also very inexpensive as the ingredients you need are available at your local grocery […]

How to Get Pure Drinking Water With All the Essential Nutrients

Each and every one of us needs to consume pure drinking water on a daily basis. Many of us are under the misconception that we are already consuming pure water when we consume water from our home’s faucets. Unfortunately, this simply isn’t true. The water that is delivered to our faucets continually is far from […]

Herbal Remedies For High Blood Pressure – Are They Safe To Use?

It is said herbal remedies have been used for controlling high blood pressure for many centuries. However, it wasn’t that long ago no one really knew hypertension actually existed. Still, it is commonly thought certain herbs will help lower blood pressure when they are combined with a proper diet, exercise and following doctor’s orders. This […]

Science Proves You Can Breathe Your Way to Lower Blood Pressure – People Ask – Why is This Secret?

If you’re looking for one natural hypertension remedy as a “magic bullet,” don’t hold your breath – literally. In addition to the old staples for lowering blood pressure, there is one remedy discovered in 1994 that few hypertension sufferers know about. You can breathe your way to lower blood pressure. It’s probably not the sole […]