MF DOOM- “Beef Rapp” from Expektoration Live Before all the hype about “DOOM-posters,” MF DOOM was regarded as one of hip-hop’s finest live performers, delivering flawless versions of his tongue twisting rhymes while ratcheting up the energy behind his deadpan delivery. Expektoration returns the focus to DOOM’s live abilities, showcasing the artist at his best. Look for Expektoration Live Featuring Big […]

7 Herbal Remedies For High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure, also known as hypertension, is a medical condition that is affecting millions of Americans today. According to the American Heart Association, about nearly 1/3 of Americans right now are suffering from high blood pressure. The scarier part about that number is that only about 75% of the people in the United States […]

Cozaar (losartan) reduces strokes by 40%, but does NOT reduce heart attacks Hi, this is Larry Hobbs @ The blood pressure medicine Cozaar [losartan] [reduced strokes by 40%, but] did NOT reduce [heart attacks]…. Between Cozaar and the beta blocker atenolol, Cozaar, some might argue, is only the lesser of two evils. — Franz Messerli, MD, European Heart Journal, 2003. Cozaar [losartan] is an […]

Vitamins For Bodybuilding

Vitamins are essential food factors that are chemical in nature and are found in certain foodstuffs. Some vitamins are synthesized commercially. Lack of vitamins in our bodies causes vitamin deficiency diseases. There is a minimum amount of vitamins that our bodies require daily to remain healthy and undertake internal functions. Our body organs use vitamins […]

How To Reduce High Blood Pressure And Feel Better At The Same Time

Reducing high blood pressure by making positive lifestyle changes will not only result in better blood pressure readings but will also make you feel a lot better and more energetic. When someone lives a life that is unhealthy, there’ll be little doubt as to why he or she feels unhealthy. This is true whether or […]

Essential Vitamins For Women – Knowing What Your Body Needs

The body of a woman needs to have the proper nutrients, which includes both vitamins and minerals, in order to be at it’s best. Unfortunately most of the essential vitamins for women are not taken in through diet today, so taking a good multi vitamin is one of the best ways to make sure that […]

Blood Donation Processes : Sanitizing Area Before Drawing Blood

Don’t be afraid to donate blood. Learn how medical professionals sanitize the area before drawing blood in this free video clip about how to donate blood. Expert: Geoff Balenger Bio: Geoff Balenger is a registered nursed at Stanford Blood Center in Palo Alto, California. Filmmaker: Bing Hu Video Rating: 4 / 5