Planning is the Main Key to a Successful Product Launch

Even though times have changed, the foundation has still remained the same. In order for to be able to achieve success at a product launch, one must have an effective plan in place to make sure that everything goes as planned. Even though many may argue that a plan is made for things to be […]

Natural And Herbal Treatments For Reducing Hypertension

Many individuals today who have high blood pressure and no obvious underlying cause. This condition is medically called essential hypertension. This condition is very common today, and according to a British study, it affects 10 to 20 per cent of Great Britain’s adult population. Hypertension is more common in men that in women and occurs […]

How Herbs For Diabetes Help To Reduce Your Blood Sugar

Some herbs for diabetes can effectively improve this common disease together with drug medication. Treating diabetes with natural herbs can be quite complicated because more than one healing aspect are involved. Therefore, you need to take a few types of herbs for diabetes and Ganoderma Lucidum is one of them. Diabetes happens when blood sugar […]

Vitamins, Minerals, and Why You Need To Eat 50 Peaches Every Day

Once Upon a Time . . . Most of our food came from the earth and our diets consisted primarily of fresh fruits and vegetables. Then things began to change . . . Some scientific studies indicate that you would need to eat almost 10 oranges in order to provide the same level of vitamin […]

How to Take Blood Pressure : Tools for Taking Blood Pressure

Taking blood pressure readings requires several tools including a blood pressure cuff and stethoscope. Learn more about the tools required for taking blood pressure with tips from a doctor in this free health video. Expert: Dr. Robin Terranella Bio: Dr. Robin Terranella has a medical degree from Bastyr University and has trained at Wu Hsing […]

The Signs And Symptoms Of Hypertension

The signs and symptoms of hypertension, or high blood pressure as it is also known as, include blood pressure readings that are consistently more than 140/90. Pre-hypertension is present when your blood pressure readings are consistently between 120-139/80-89. Although this does not mean you have hypertension, it is a good indicator that you will most […]

Omega 3 Oils – What to Look For to Get the Best Omega 3 Oils For the Maximum Benefits

The huge popularity of omega 3 oils today has led to hundreds of products being available, but the majority will offer little benefit and may even contain harmful toxins. Here are some simple tips to help you get the best. The very best source of omega 3 oils is fatty fish, as they are high […]

Lose Fat, Gain Muscle – 2 Easy Strategies to Build a Lean, Athletic Body

Losing fat and gaining muscle has been one of my goals since I began exercising 15 years ago. Can they both be done simultaneously though? In my experience, you can in fact work on these two at the same time to build a lean, athletic body. Exercise publications and supplement companies would lead you to […]

Signs And Symptoms Of Low Blood Pressure And The Dangers

People often think of hypertension (high blood pressure) when blood pressure problems or issues are mentioned – they seem to forget that low blood pressure problems also exist. The American Heart Association defines high blood pressure parameters being 140/90 and higher and normal as 135/85 and lower. The higher numerical reading is the systolic reading […]