
Ou la vie en XXL – Pulsations TV – 86 – mai 2008 Problème de santé publique majeur, l’obésité touche 7% de la population en Suisse. En cause, une consommation excessive de calories, un manque d’activité physique et des troubles du comportement alimentaire. Maladie chronique, l’obésité n’est pas sans danger. Elle est associée à des […]

Nathaniel Hawthorne’s David Swan: An Analysis of Binary Opposites

David Swan is a story of a young man who is on his way to Boston and while waiting for the coach, he falls asleep. While he is sleeping, three major things happen which could have changed his life from then on. First, a young couple passes by him and sees him. The lady wants […]

How to Reduce High Blood Pressure Using Self Hypnosis

You can reduce high blood pressure with self-hypnosis. You have the ability to reduce hypertension just as you can raise your pressure. Whether you turn red or just want to get control over your condition, you can say “bye” to stress and anxiety and “hi” to calm and relaxation. What is Hypertension Hypertension is a […]

Richard Moore, MD, PhD, “Drugs are not the answer for high blood pressure”

fatnews.com Hi, this is Larry Hobbs @ FatNews.com. This is an excerpt from a letter by Richard Moore, MD, PhD dated August 31, 2009. Richard Moore, MD, PhD on how a drug company paid his publisher for a book about using drugs for blood pressure to compete with his book The K Factor (1986) about […]

Beneficial Effects of Vitamins and Minerals To Your Blood

Vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are essential to the health and functioning of the body and are delivered throughout the body by the blood. There are several vitamins and minerals that directly affect the blood and its ability to perform its important tasks within the body. For the blood to be able to perform its […]

Understanding Pulmonary Hypertension

An introduction to the symptoms of pulmonary hypertension, how the disease affects patients lives and the progress being made to fight PH. This clip appears clip is an introduction to the “Understanding Pulmonary Hypertension” DVD, available in PHA’s Press Kit. For a free press kit, write to Nathan@PHAssociation.org Video Rating: 0 / 5

Lower Back Pain Lesson #3 Part1, Trigger Point Therapy sciatica

During his presentation Boris explains and offers medical massage hands-on demonstration for various disorders of lower back, including sciatica, mayofascial pains, inter vertebral disc bulgings and herniations. During hands on presentation Boris explains different causes that produce pain, including pathological venous blood accumulations/stosis. Video Rating: 4 / 5